A new bird at the feeders

Wow…. we actually got a pair of rose breasted groesbeaks at our feeder today! In all the years I’ve been watching birds, I’ve never seen one! Jessy was washing dishes and said “Mom, there’s a weird bird here…” and I came over and SURE ENOUGH! A groesbeak! The books say that they range up this way a bit, but its kinda at the edge of their range. So I guess that’s why we’ve never seen them before… Really beautiful birds… just really different with the black and white and the red red breast! What a cool day!

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

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Potato Bags are Here!

The heavy duty 30 gallon potato grow bags are here! I ordered 5 of them to try them out…. they were only $4 each and they claim you can easily harvest 30-40 pounds of potatoes from each bag! And they are reusable and made of this eco-green recycled material too….


I’ve been reading a lot of about potato bags and stacking and such to really confuse the plant and double the yeild in small places! How cool is that. Just google “grow potatoes in a bag” and you’ll have hours of reading! I like the idea that I can put them just about anywhere… just a little 2 foot round area and I have another garden bed. We have lots of little weird spaces here in the lot, so I can find some nice places for the grow bags to go. And I like the idea that they are reusable, year after year. Pretty keen stuff out there… the internet is a great place to learn about crafty little ideas to really expand your yeild, yet without a lot of super hard work either. Neat stuff!

My strawberries are about half up… little green leaves poking up and getting going. I think we managed to save at least half of the plants that came in the mail… I’ll give the others another week or so to get their groove on and if there are too many bare spots in the bed, I’ll probably buy another small bunch of starts to fill it in nice. Just keeping my fingers crossed that they mostly survived!!!

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Maggie’s Birthday

Well, it was Maggie’s 15th birthday Wednesday and though we are planning a bigger celebration later on with some friends and such, we thought we should at least get a little birthday celebration going on the actual day! So we went out to dinner and also got a big cookie cake, which she really wanted and had a nice evening!


Earlier in the day we were driving home and there was a fellow who was selling his little bonsai trees! How cool…. so we got Maggie a Birthday Bonsai! He’s so cute…


It’s a little 4 year old juniper tree/bush…. It’s pretty nice looking, and we like oriental culture and the girls love anime films and such, so it’s a kinda cool little addition to our ecclectic assortment of decor here at the moby… I hope we don’t kill it!

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