Raspberries Came Today…


My raspberry canes came today… Red Laptham…   should do just fine.  12 nice looking canes and pretty mature by the looks of them.   I don’t know if they will set fruit this year or not, but I suspect they might.


They all look pretty good… nothing is too strangley or nasty looking, and a couple are multiple cane roots, pretty cool.


Didn’t want to wait to get them into the ground…  not like the strawberries… but since the bed is all ready to go and I had a little time, I figured why not.   I hope to contain them primarily at the end of this bed. Roughly about a 4 x 4 foot square.   I’m going to get a little bit of like flashing or something metal, to separate them from the stawberry bed and keep the runners and such to that area.  I like raspberries good enough, but my kids don’t really care for them, so I don’t think I need a huge plot of bushes and such.   By thinning them and keeping a good watch over the canes and such, I think I’ll be able to have a dense patch and enough…  I like to freeze them and through them into muffins or pancakes…yummm….


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