What a crazy time it’s been, since I have been blogging regularly. I didn’t mean to just stop and I do rather enjoy it, it’s just that things got super crazy for awhile there and I just got out of the routine of it and well, life happens.
Everyone is okay. We have had a few losses. Primarily, my dear father back in July of 2020 and then this last few weeks ago, we lost of sweet dog, Evee. We are still just so heartbroken over both… It’s hard to describe how much you miss a super girl like our Evee. She was just part of our lives day in and day out. It’s still so very raw.
My little cottage is doing great! I can’t believe it but it’s been over a year now and I even have the front porch on it! Our friend Brayden did a marvelous job out of scrap lumber and twine and just pure determination! I just adore it and I am so ready to get so much use out of in 2021. We got it all finished in about the end of September so the true using of the space has been a little diminished with the cold weather now here. However, the kitties really love to go out and run around a bit and then come back in after they get their fur all rustled and standing up and a crazy snap in their step from the chillies!
Yes, I had added a new kitty to my own little cottage kitty collection… A sweet little young man I call Lester. So now we have the famous bluegrass duo… Flatt and Scruggs, or, well, Lester and Earl. He is super cute and he just came running over to the cottage one evening while the girls were here and wanted a warm meal and a snuggle! We checked him for a micro chip and then checked with neighbors and our local Facebook page and such, and no one claimed him. So we have! He and Earl are just best buddies and it really has worked out great. They stay full time at the cottage now and have a lovely life. Birdy TV and toys and window sills to lounge in and fluffy afghans and blankets to nap in. And of course, each other to rough and tumble with! What more can you ask for as a kitty?
Miss Maggie got her new workshop! And it’s a dandy… It’s 10 x 20 and she plans to add an additional side shed to it eventually for more storage. But it’s so much nicer than the awful cold and damp screen porch she was working in. She still has a little more final fixing up to do to it, but it’s already helping productions and spirits greatly! Once we are through the holiday rush, we should be able to do a little more fixing and making it just super wonderful for her!!!
That is about most of the highlights of the last little while. I promise to try and keep up with things in the future and perhaps flashback to a few fun projects the last year or so. Thanks for checking in, if you do!
We post pretty regularly on our Facebook page… WindhavenFarmOhio… And through our business page on Facebook as well… WindhavenFiberTools.
Chat soon! Miss you all!