Our friend Jeff and Shelly came out to visit one fine summer afternoon. It was Shelly’s birthday as well as Miss Jessy’s and that was fun! Of course, we have to spend some time visiting and feeding the WIndhaven petting zoo! Buttercup is the tour guide and of course, you must tip her accordingly so that the tour goes nicely.
Isn’t my little cottage so darling, tucked back in the old garden space? Maggie picked the spot for me and I am so glad she did. I originally thought I would like it way out back where the ponies live but I think that would have been a little open and not quite what I wanted. Having it tucked back in the old garden is so perfect and I love that area anyway!
Shelly likes to follow along with us all on Facebook, so this was a lovely surprise for her to come out and visit with the baby lambs and get her fill of farm life for the afternoon! I always love to have friends stop by and just hang out and enjoy all that is our little farm. It’s a beautiful place and we love to share it.
Freya is no dummy! She knows where the cuddles are and was quick to warm up and love the attention. The other lambs are a little skittish, but they warmed up as well, especially when cookies are involved!
Big Gary decided to show off and jump up on the kitchen counter top for our outdoor kitchen! What a crazy boy… He is such a big boned dude for sure.
Jeff got a little cuddle time with Freya as well. She is an equal opportunity lap lamb!!! It was so cool for them to see my little cottage in it’s brand new raw state. I do hope that they come out next summer to see it all pretty and finished up! We should have a little cookout… that would be lovely fun.