Crazy Busy Week!

It’s been a week of beautiful weather and tolerable temperatures after ten + days of dreadful high temperatures, so if you have been wondering what we were up to, you can bet it was a TON of stuff!!! Aside from the basic chores… here’s a little list of all we have accomplished this week!!!!

Mowed the front yard, western side yard, courtyard and garden area.

Moved all the 9 raised bed shipping containers to the garden

Built up my new little Banty Shanty coop

Painted the Banty Shanty

Installed and moved the banties to the Banty Shanty

Fixed the front porch by adding more ballisters

Drove about 15 fence posts, repositioned several fences and opened up more pasture/grazing for the hoofies

Got Cody’s feet trimmed

Finally moved the two big chairs from our side yard out into the farm to decorate with

Added 10 bags of mulch to the courtyard beds

Planted some more in the garden

Weeded, weeded, weeded…

Fixed the other front porch that was cracked with cement (Actually Jr. Did that, it turned out so nice!)

Fixed the bunny coop

Made a new inside cage for our new bunny Elfaria

Made a ramp for the Nugget’s Coop

Raked up a bunch of sticks in the middle yard (still have a ton to do…)

Cleaned up the mud room and the screen porch

Hung up the clothes line that had snapped a while back (used nice plastic coated wire this time!)

Figured out how Angus was escaping and fixed it. (Sneaky sheep)

Filled in the giant hole in the barn with concrete rubble that the pigs were digging to China.

Wormed Cody Pony. (He was not pleased, but handled it well enough.)

Cleaned out the water troughs and gave them a good stiff cleaning. (They get a little grody at times)

Finished our photo book and got the first round of proofreading done. Just need to make the corrections and then send to the professional proofreader friends! (Don’t want them thinking we’re real grammar knuckleheads, which well, we sort of are…)

and last but not least…. gave the house a good cleaning and dusting and all that jazz!!!!

Whew!!! As I said, we were making up for LOST time with the heat wave and we feel like we are SO ready for a few days of rest and RELAXATION! Haha…. We got all our really important tasks done. All we have left in the whole project camp at the moment is…

Paint the front porch
Finishing raking the yard of sticks (bad storm last week made it a big mess!)
Paint the courtyard fences
Paint the pallet fences
Fill with dirt and plant some of the raised beds with quick crops… beans, peas, lettuce and such

Since we’re supposed to get some rain in the next 48 hours or so, we are going to hold off on the painting stuff until next week. So that just leaves raking and planting. Easy and enjoyable and nothing super priority at the moment. All good stuff to enjoy!!!

We’re going to the Hillsdale auction to sell a few birds and look around, see what we might see, but other than that, it’s going to be a nice simple relaxing weekend with some naps, a big pot of ham and potato soup and I think a little hammock time, if I’m not mistaken!

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A Fun Project…

With the heat in the low 100’s… there hasn’t been a lot of outside projects going on at the farm.

It’s just too dang hot! All the critters are pretty much laying low, preferring to stay in their cool barns and much hay. They venture out in the early morning, or very late evenings to nibble a wee bit of grazing fodder, but for the most part, it’s quite and still here. We do our basic chores, make sure everyone is hydrated and safe and just plan to ride it out. I hear that the heat is to break on Saturday night at 8 p.m. So says the site. Of course, I will be playing music from 7 p.m. onward at a BBQ party, with fireworks and good eats, but still, couldn’t they push that heat break back to say, oh 4 p.m.? Haha… thanks a bunch,!

(I do get a kick out of them saying things like that… or something like thunderstorm at 5:15 p.m. expended, like it’s a train pulling into a station. Rarely are they on the money, but they act like they are. I do give them a A+ for positive thinking, though…)

But I digress, as usual!

So Jessy and I have been cooking up this project for awhile and we decided it was time to start working on it and getting it done. We’ve had so many lovely compliments about the photography of our site and of our farm, especially the animals. We considered offering some of the more stunning pictures as prints that folks could purchase and we might still do that some day. But as we sifted through the thousands of shots that she and I have taken, it’s super hard to just pick out a few! So, then it dawned on us…. why not write a photo book and use tons of the photos! So we did. We and picked out 250+ of our favorite shots. And we put them all together in a book. With captions and quotes and stories about some of the more memorable shots.

There are 10 chapters in the book, each with a little written kickoff and then lots of great photos. As we work together on it, we just smile and remember all the lovely memories that we have from the past 20 some months. And look forward to many many more! It’s just looking so lovely!!! I hope everyone enjoys it as much as we are.

Our thought is to offer it as a thank you for a little contribution drive. We need a little help. Just a little really, and I hate to even bring it up, but a friend said if you don’t let folks know your needs, then you never know if they can help out and make things good. It’s fencing. We are on our last legs of our huge fencing operation and it’s just proving a little hard to get that last 900 feet of fencing done. We have a big back pasture to finish and then some perimeter protective fencing to finish. We’ve got most of the fence posts we need, it’s just the actual fencing that is not happening. Rolls of field fence come 330 feet at a cost of $170 each. Three aught to do it. And the great thing is that we can get one roll at a time and get that part done, then work on the next roll.

So we’re hoping that our little publication project will help to generate a little help. Not sure if we should offer it at a set price, or let folks see what they might be able to do, just a wee bit, maybe a fancy coffee price or a sandwich… we have over 500+ readers a day! And of course, lots of friends and family. I hope that people enjoy all the time and effort that writing a nearly daily blog entails and have gotten some wisdom and resources as well as a good laugh now and then at the antics of us silly womenfolk trying to start a farm! (I know that part is worth at least a buck! Haha…)

And by all means, I know it’s tough out there, so if you can’t help, hey, that’s perfectly fine too… we’ll still love you all! I just got to thinking that maybe I do need to ask, or else, well, no one really knows. You never know if someone local is sitting on a roll of used fence that might work out, or knows someone that is removing a fence. Or someone far away might just like to say that they helped to get the place super safe for a bunch of neat livestock. I know I’ve done it, helped out a wee bit here and there for blogger projects that I love reading their adventures. The great thing is that even a buck can go a long way and it’s so totally appreciated.

In the meanwhile, what I so love is working on something fun and creative with my daughters! We’ve been oohing and awing and adding comments and suggestions to it the last few days. It’s so nearly done. I have to finish up my chapters, but I have only 7 to go!!! Jessy is working to make sure all the photos are stunning. Maggie has been coming up with clever captions for many of the shots… it’s a family project and we can’t wait to see it completed.

Well, just one more day of this heat for us…. YAHOO!!!!! It’s been so draining! My friend Bill came out yesterday morning to trim Cody’s feet and we hardly did anything but stand around and chat a few minutes and we were dripping sweat! Bill had to take one hoof at a time with a little break between because doing anything in 105 degrees is hard work. Cody was such a sweetie… I had a couple carrots for him as rewards and he did the very best he’s done in the last several times. Not a single flinch. Bill is such a wonderful horseman and farrier. When we got Cody last September, his feet were a mess. Just really hadn’t been done much. As much as we can tell, by his hooves, he’s never foundered, but he still has not had a lot done. The first time was a real adventure in patience!!! He tried hard to kick at Bill a couple times and was just not thrilled with the idea. But now? He did so well. Acted like this was normal procedure. Of course, the promise of a carrot for good behavior was mighty inviting for him and since this is the fourth time Bill’s been out, Cody is getting the hang of it and I think even likes Bill. He came right up to us from the pasture, and gave Bill a good snuffling and rub. Cody loves visitors and I think he knows when he meets a horseman. Bill just has a way with horses and they like and respect him.

I get such a kick out of my little Cody boy. I love how after he gets his feet trimmed, he will take a few steps and consider his new pedicure. And then he gets a little glint in his eye and takes off on a victory lap, free of being confined, but I think, he just likes the way his feet feel because he rips around the yard, kicking up and bucking, and just tearing around on the tight corners and scaring the sheep! Then he comes back with a little roaring stop and blows hard a wee bit with a shake of his little head as if to say, yep, these are perfect! Thanks!

Well, we have some plans for the normal weather!!! Gotta get Sheldon’s new rooster sanctuary yard finished up (almost done) and we want to build or well, rebuild the little banty shanty up here by the house for my little sweethearts! Jessy’s little adorable bunny is coming home sometime soon and she wants to build her a lovely little hutch as well as fix up a few things on our old hutch. The babies are doing fine! So darn cute!!! Me, I want to get into my garden and plant a few more things, shorter span crops like some more beans and some lettuces, and some flowers too! And the last couple storms have dropped a bunch of tree limbs and sticks everywhere!!! I think a little raking therapy will be due in the cool of our mid 80’s weather that is due next week!!! I even saw a low of 57 one night! My gosh, that’s like hoodie weather!!!

Hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July and even if you’re not from around here, hope you’ve had a wonderful week! Can’t wait to enjoy a little music making with my boys!

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Clever Bed Idea…

That is super neat looking…  better than bunk beds if you ask me.  Pretty keen…

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