Carolyn did it!!

Our very first broody hen Miss Carolyn has successfully hatched out two little sweet chickies!!!  She has two more eggs, but we’re not sure if they will hatch, but we’re hopeful.

It was just so darn neat to sit out there in the barn and watch her mother those little chicks.  She has this delightful little noise that she makes to call them and another to show them where to pick at the food.  And she has another noise  to warn other hens to back away from her little babies.  She is one very protective little lady!

To make them safer, we moved the little family to an empty brooder for a while.  The barnyard is a busy place and we don’t want anything happening to our little first chickies!

We’re just so excited!  It’s so cool…   hope the other two hatch.  That will be awesome!

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Raining… finally…

My gosh, I was never so happy as to see it finally pour rain down on our little dry and dusty patch of dirt here in northwestern Ohio.   It’s been one of those days that I just don’t want to recreate.  It started with a painful bout with my dumb tummy and then a customer did a chargeback to our account and a big fee (long story, not worth it)  and then it was just hot hot hot and unpleasant out.  Satellite is being bad, I can’t upload proofs to a customer that needs them NOW and it’s just rather miserable here today on so many accounts.

One of those days.

But it’s finally raining.  Or well, rained.  For about 20 minutes, pretty hard.  It will help.  We need more though, much more.

Days like this I wonder how people got through the depression, oh, bad in the 30’s and all.  Or the wars… the world wars…  when all around you was bad days and no good news and shortages and all.  It helps me to put my one or two bad days into perspective.  Sure does.

This too, shall pass.  I like to tell my girls that.  Especially to remind myself that hard times don’t last, hard people do.  It’s easy to start feeling a little down and put upon, wondering what did you do to bring this little dark cloud over your patch of sunshine.  I think it’s just life.  The Lord never promised us heaven on earth…  there would be hardships and issues and we all have that burden to carry and all, it’s just knowing that there is a better place waiting, that should be enough, right?

Yeah, sometimes, it does feel a little heavy, this life we carry.  So many issues, so many things to have to do and want to do, it can get all swirly and upsetting at times, just sort of wears a person down.  I know I’ve been worrying a lot about our little farm, and the animals, and this drought.  It’s the worse we’ve had in 35 years I read yesterday.  35 years!  There is a lake near us and it’s dried up.  A whole lake.  There’s just a little muddy sinkhole at the very middle.  We saw about 15 or 20 big blue herons all trying to gobble up the dying fish there.  Quite an unusual sight for sure.

And hay… oh my gosh, hay prices are rising like crazy.  A bale of hay was about 3 or 4 dollars at the most.  Now?  I heard at the Archibold auction on Monday, the lowest price was $7 a bale and most were paying $9 to $12 a bale for good stuff.  Shesh!  We are out of hay at the moment, and low on cash, so it is going to be another day or two before I can get a load.  Just more worries.  Friends are selling off surplus animals.  That is scary.  I’m glad we don’t have a big herd, but still, I can see that it’s going to be really hard come winter to keep everyone happy and fed.

We opened up the fence to let everyone into the dog yard today, and they were working that little patch like crazy all afternoon.  Cody was so happy, he was rolling in the little bit of grass.  We have a few other areas that we can let them into, but we have to get more fencing up.  Just one of those things.  More to worry about.

It will be fine, things resolve, hopefully this little bit of rain will help to freshen up the grasses.  Hopefully, we will get another storm or two before the morning light.

What do you all do when you really want to worry yourself to death, but you know it won’t solve anything?  Do you have some sort of ritual, some sort of thing that you do that makes you know, it will be okay?  Things pass?  I try hard to just focus on the good and stay busy, clean my house, get some work done, watch a movie….  read…..   pray….   just try and keep positive.  It’s hard some days for sure.  Very hard.  Kind of that “fake it till you can make it” sort of attitude.

Well, here’s hoping that we have a few sweet days of summer due us all soon…   those Martha Stewart days of summer with lemonade and sweet fruity deserts and some nice grilled food and summer salads waiting on a nice big old picnic table….  that would be so nice, eh?

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Our New Bunnie…


Last weekend, we picked up our new little French angora doe, Elfaria, from her lovely birth home in Michigan at Blossom Acres.  Stef was so nice and informative on her rabbits, it was a pleasure to work with her.  Our girl is the one on the left side.  The other is her sister.

Elfaria is so sweet, and surprise, surprise, she’s living inside the big house because she was not used to the heat having been raised inside as well since she was a baby.  That’s okay, we don’t mind at all.  She is a lovely carmel colored doe that we hope will introduce a little more warm colors into our bunnies.  Hopefully by the fall she will be ready to have a litter and we’ll see how that all goes.  Until then, she’s just a spoiled little sweetie that is living the big life here at the farm!


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