It’s been a week of beautiful weather and tolerable temperatures after ten + days of dreadful high temperatures, so if you have been wondering what we were up to, you can bet it was a TON of stuff!!! Aside from the basic chores… here’s a little list of all we have accomplished this week!!!!
Mowed the front yard, western side yard, courtyard and garden area.
Moved all the 9 raised bed shipping containers to the garden
Built up my new little Banty Shanty coop
Painted the Banty Shanty
Installed and moved the banties to the Banty Shanty
Fixed the front porch by adding more ballisters
Drove about 15 fence posts, repositioned several fences and opened up more pasture/grazing for the hoofies
Got Cody’s feet trimmed
Finally moved the two big chairs from our side yard out into the farm to decorate with
Added 10 bags of mulch to the courtyard beds
Planted some more in the garden
Weeded, weeded, weeded…
Fixed the other front porch that was cracked with cement (Actually Jr. Did that, it turned out so nice!)
Fixed the bunny coop
Made a new inside cage for our new bunny Elfaria
Made a ramp for the Nugget’s Coop
Raked up a bunch of sticks in the middle yard (still have a ton to do…)
Cleaned up the mud room and the screen porch
Hung up the clothes line that had snapped a while back (used nice plastic coated wire this time!)
Figured out how Angus was escaping and fixed it. (Sneaky sheep)
Filled in the giant hole in the barn with concrete rubble that the pigs were digging to China.
Wormed Cody Pony. (He was not pleased, but handled it well enough.)
Cleaned out the water troughs and gave them a good stiff cleaning. (They get a little grody at times)
Finished our photo book and got the first round of proofreading done. Just need to make the corrections and then send to the professional proofreader friends! (Don’t want them thinking we’re real grammar knuckleheads, which well, we sort of are…)
and last but not least…. gave the house a good cleaning and dusting and all that jazz!!!!
Whew!!! As I said, we were making up for LOST time with the heat wave and we feel like we are SO ready for a few days of rest and RELAXATION! Haha…. We got all our really important tasks done. All we have left in the whole project camp at the moment is…
Paint the front porch
Finishing raking the yard of sticks (bad storm last week made it a big mess!)
Paint the courtyard fences
Paint the pallet fences
Fill with dirt and plant some of the raised beds with quick crops… beans, peas, lettuce and such
Since we’re supposed to get some rain in the next 48 hours or so, we are going to hold off on the painting stuff until next week. So that just leaves raking and planting. Easy and enjoyable and nothing super priority at the moment. All good stuff to enjoy!!!
We’re going to the Hillsdale auction to sell a few birds and look around, see what we might see, but other than that, it’s going to be a nice simple relaxing weekend with some naps, a big pot of ham and potato soup and I think a little hammock time, if I’m not mistaken!

Sherri- My name is Suzanne and I live in NW Illinois. I stumbled across your vids at Youtube, about your mobile home project and your blog ( last night and literally read for HOURS. I am excited to read about your NEW adventures, too. (This farm) Is this your MAIN blog, because it seems like you ladies own a farm now and sold the old moby? Goodness– would love to catch up on the happenings, just wanna make sure I am posting to the right place with the newest adventure stories. Since reading around here less than an hour, I’m trying to figure out how to read the story of the farm from start to finish…any pointers/direction on how I can do that?
Lovin’ it!
A Fan, Suzanne in Dixon, IL (and yes, we used to own a mobile home too)
Hi Suzanne!
Thanks for the nice words! We so appreciate that. Glad you like the blog! I do try and write often, daily, if I can, but sometimes we get a little busy.
You can start reading about the whole farm situation back around January 2011. I wish blogs were a little easier to read chronologically. I would suggest that you go to January 2011, start in the archives and then just read forward. That would probably work for you.
Why you slacker you! LOL
Talk about not letting any grass grow under your feet!
With all the work you did, I’m hoping you’re feeling better.
Hahaha…. yeah…. I WISH the grass would grow under my feet!!! Haha… Naw, I hate when I have to do cards and we can’t get to any because of the heat being so bad. So when I saw that this week was planning on being tolerable and it was… I told the girls, time to get a move on it and get some of these more important things done so we can take it easy after that. And man, did we kick butt! Had a friend out last night and she was just marveling on how nice everything was looking and all. haha… little did she know a week ago it looked pretty ragged!
Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better now. New diet has really been doing a number on me, just feel so much better all the way around. Sugar is still a bit high but I’ve managed to drop the average over 50 points with just diet so that feels fantastic. Still running around 220 – 230 in the morning, and I know that’s not great, but it’s so much better than 270-300! Got to get with a doctor and see about more treatment and such, but just can’t afford it right now. Filling out a ton of papers and such, trying to see what I can do. It’s all good.
Sherri- still reading and smiles, another day, another several hours later. I’d like to contact you, what is a good email address to do that at? I can’t readily find it here…
Your Newest Fan in Dixon, IL
Sure thing… I guess I don’t have it very easy to contact me! I’ll have to fix that…
Thanks much, dropped you a note. 😉