Frank Weaver Sings….


Our First Client with Glass City Music!

Introducing Frank Weaver…  the Songs of Frank  –  Friday May 8th, 2009

As you might know…  I am a part owner of the Glass City Opry, a live monthly bluegrass concert series in Maumee, Ohio.  It’s doing pretty well, we’re heading into our third year.   We’ve learned a lot about running a monthly show and now we have had the privilege of helping out our first client with our new music production support company that we formed…   Glass City Music.

Frank was referred to us by the manager of the theatre..  Ty knew that this was a great concert, and that Frank had never done such a large production and needed a little guidance and someone to help him make it a success.  And he put us together and we’re so glad he did.   It’s been such a pleasure to work with Frank, and see him through the whole adventure from flyers, poster and tickets up through promotion and press releases and now, culminating in the final show, which went off beautifully!

Jeff, my partner in the Opry, and I arrived early with the show programs and they were working on sound check. We got to sit in on the behind the scenes workings of the show, since we were helping out, and since, we run a successful show there, everyone knows us. It was odd to not have a dozen tasks to do… we actually got to just sit in the front row and watch everyone getting things finalized and work out the nervousness of opening night.

I liked how Frank gave the audience a little “history” about Frank during the performance… very nice. We’ve talked about doing a bluegrass history show… Jeff came up with the idea and I love it… it would be fun.. when we get a little free time, maybe we’ll expand on that a little more…

Frank did such a nice job… and Eric Dickey and his orchestra really helped to polish up the whole show! What would old blue eyes be without his awesome “cats” backing him up? They had a nice crowd, we’re estimating it about 150 or so. He got a standing ovation at the end… and we know by all the hugging and happy chatting folks, it was very well received! We’re so happy to have been involved in the process.

Glass City Music is a newly formed group… primarily we formed it to promote Jeff and I’s songwriting and music. We have been writing songs and they have been fairly well received and it’s just a hoot. However, like with this Frank Sinatra concert… and helping out others in the area, we began to see the need to wrap everything up nicely. And the idea of Glass City Music was born.

What we envision is a sort of clearing house, resource, publishing, and production company for the music of Toledo. Yes, primarily we’re focusing on bluegrass and Americana music, but well, now we’ve got a Frank Sinatra and Big Band concert in our portfolio! We both love all types of music and performance and have cut our eye teeth on the Opry and it’s many shows now. And playing in a band, and songwriting and of course all the music/band/show support that I do with the graphic arts and web design… it’s a no brainer. We also know all of the musicians and bands in the region and can help to connect gigs with bands. We can help recording studios with session musicians as well as promotion and graphic design for their projects. We’re working on this new company very passively, since primarily it’s for our own work and our own venue, the Glass City Opry… however, it feels great to help promote all live music in Toledo!

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Mother’s Day Plant Sale


Can I tell you a sad little story?

I’ll wait while you get ready… you might need a hanky or maybe a box of tissues.

A few years ago… I had a very nice home in a very nice area of Toledo… actually a fairly fancy suburb of the fine Glass City.  It was a very nice house and it was the very first house that my husband and I ever owned.   We started out with a pretty nice joint, I will say so.   We looked and looked and well, in the end, we picked this one primarily due to it’s locations with some good schools that our daughters could go to… primarily our youngest, Maggie as she is autistic and needed some special attention at the time.

And at the house, I got to really expand my gardening skills.   I had beautiful gardens and flower beds all over that house.  Raised beds, and patches of beautiful plants.   I loved gardening…  and I really worked hard at learning all about it, so much so that I was actually thinking about taking the Master Gardener test with the county.

That’s some serious plant love.

But things changed and got the big D and I couldn’t keep the house and so, well, I lost it through foreclosure.   It was very rough time and I don’t recommend the whole adventure to anyone…  but it did change me and I think probably for the better.   It was a rough path to travel, but I made it and things are good now.

But the one of the things that I missed the most were these beautiful Siberian Irises that I had gotten at the Toledo Botanical Garden’s Mother’s Day Plant Sale.  I had gotten them several years running… along with other beautiful plants, at the sale and ended up with them all over my yard, here and there.  So delicate, beautiful little iris and of course, my favorite color… purple.

I tried to take some with me when I lost the house… and they bloomed the next year in my expensive little rental house in Detroit… but not that good.   And then the second year?  They died.

Last year, I missed the sale…  well, I was still living in Detroit, so, I wasn’t around.

And then when I bought the Moby in June of 2008… it was just so much work to make it livable… flowers were not in my plans really and it wasn’t till the end of the season that I got to put in some late perenials, that were discounted and kinda scraggly looking, but hey, nearly all survived…

So this spring.. I was READY!


What was so wonderful is that my girls came with me and when we got to the parking lot, they ducked off and were all giggly and then raced up to me and had $40 and said they wanted me to buy some irises for Mother’s Day from them…  they had schemed it all and saved the cash… awwwwwww….  nothing like bear hugging your favorite two teenagers in the world at the plant show and having a little more coin to really whoop it up!!!

I got 6 beautiful gallon pots of the Siberian Iris!!!   I can’t wait to plant them tomorrow.   I also got a purple tie-dye Clemetus that I have to figure out where I want to climb and be beautiful… and a pair of Jacob’s Ladders…  a beautiful large plantain Hosta for a shady spot…  and a fern…. and a beautiful delicate little Bleeding Heart for Maggie, because she loves those…  and a little pot of muskmellon starts…  and also a pair of gallon potted purple tall plants that their name escapes me…  (not salvia, but just a really  nice plant… tall and purply small flowers….)  what a great haul of beautiful plants!


I can’t wait to plant them….  we tucked them under a shelter by the front door… and I’ll be dreaming about where my beauties will go tomorrow morning…  sigh…

I think I would have planted them this afternoon but I had a concert to go to… a Frank Sinatra song tribute concert by my friend Frank…  yes, that’s his name too! And I’ll tell ya all about that later on…

Happy Mother’s Day to all you out there and I hope you have a lovely weekend of Motherhood Bliss!

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College Book BuyBack Day


Okay, I’ll admit it.  I was ready to rant and rave about college textbooks and the stunningly expensive books that they make you buy and half the time don’t have to read or use because the professor deviates from the flightplan and goes on their own solo trip…  and then when you sell them back, barely used… the poor student is given like pennies on the dollar for the book.

Jessy had three books that she wanted to sell back and today was the last day for awhile… so we went over to the school.  She had high hopes, I knew better.   Afterall…  you hear all the stories and I remember back the OLD DAYS when I went to college… well….  we get there and of the three books, they only could buy back two.   I sighed.   I’m thinking $20?

The nice fellow totals it up and gives Jess $61.

Wow.   $61 for two books?   Of course, those books cost her about $130…  but still, about half price?  Wow.  I was very very very surprised.  Still not great… and I do not understand why a simple soft cover book on world history has to cost $95.   Don’t get me started on that… shesh!

But I was thrilled to see her get a decent amount back for just two books.

And I will admit… I was pretty surprised.

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