Maggie’s First Sewing Project


Maggie has a very well loved and worn pillow case that, well, has seen much better days and nights!

So what better than to make a new one for her favorite pillow? It’s a great project for kids to begin sewing on. It’s basically just a yard of fabric, and sew a little hem at the top and sew up the sides! 15 minutes, lots of straight sewing practice… and poof! A real usable project!


And simple… until you add…. ATTACK JACK….


Hey, whatya doin?


Can I help?


Don’t pull on the fabric too much! Let the machine do the work!


Success!! Sweet Dreams Maggie!

Sweet flaming gold dragons and wild print dreams!

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Harvest Time!

Add another 1/2 pound to the total!!!

More Peas and 3 radish!!! (I think I picked them a little early but they were sure sweet and tasty little dudes! I might be starting a whole new thing here… baby radish!)

So we’re up to 1.5 pounds from the Moby farm!!! Yeah!!!


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Cripple Creek


Why do kitties love fiddle cases so much???

They like the banjo too, but the open fiddle case seems to just send out a Batman like siren and light in the sky that will summon a cat as soon as I lift the fiddle from it’s case to play… they even tolerate the squakbox, but as you can see, they do tend to turn away…

Today’s fine fiddling concert will be my newly learned rendition of… Cripple Creek! It’s still a little rough around the edges because I just learned it, but I’ve added it to my learning tasks and will try and get it honed and better as time goes on…

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