

Guess what! It’s blueberry season around here and I got 10 pints of Michigan blueberries to freeze for only $10. We were a little too late to pick them ourselves, but the next best thing is Farmer’s Market berries and wow… they are fantastic.

Jessy and I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning and they were very very tasty.

And we spent the rest of the day freezing them on a cookie sheet and then boxing them up for freezer storage. Pretty cool. Makes me want to go and get more! But 5 quart containers later, we probably have enough to keep us for awhile, no doubt.

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New Opry Postcard


I worked today on a new informational post card for the Glass City Opry. i think it turned out pretty nice. The last one was nice, for last year, but well, it was a little bit, ah, hokey. Hahaha… I was in a old west typestyle mood and it was real nice, but I wanted to make something a little more sleek and classy… yeah… sexy.

Just like bluegrass music is.

Ahem. Well, we ARE trying to present it in a slightly more uptown way you know… We have a beautiful theater to work with, awesome national talent and it’s well known that we have the nicest bathroom facilities in three states for bluegrass.

Honest, people let us know all the time. And cupholders in the chairs.

We are one fancy, class act here at the Glass City Opry. We are.

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