Bella’s Photo Shoot


Miss Bella came to the house to hang out with Miss Gypsy for a bit and well, Jessy just had to set up a photo shoot for the beautiful lady. The light was just beautiful and Jessy had a new backdrop fabric in her Moby studio, so it was just a perfect Sunday afternoon activity. Miss Bella’s Dad came to pick her up and Jessy had to include him in a few shots and I think they turned out so nice. She sure has a knack for this… she wants to be a pet photographer and I think she’s already there! Some beautiful photos… she’s planning to play with them a bit, with Photoshop but these are just raw out of the camera and I think they are really beautiful! And fun too… I got to help pose the doggie girls… that is definitely something we need to keep working on and get our bag of tricks together to work with the animals. Lots of fun!

Here are a few of the ones I really liked from the shoot. She has over 50 awesome shots… super nice…










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Getting Busy….


It’s starting… our very busy time.

Lots of folks like to order rock and mineral kits for their kids and grandkids for the holidays and starting about the first of November, things get really crazy and we get overwhelmed! It’s a good thing, in the end, but it means a crazy 6 weeks here at the Moby.

Spent the last weekend working hard on orders. We filled about 30 or so. And we’ve got another 20 or so in house. And of course, tomorrow is another day! So if you’re wondering why there might not be daily blog postings, well, it’s me working in the Rock Mine and just running out of daylight, pretty much. With Jessy holding a really heavy load at college this semester, it’s mostly left to Maggie and I to keep things going.


And of course, our kitty supervisors.

We’re happy to report that all orders are supervised by at least one kitty. Here is Dixie Chickie laying in the sun and keeping me company. She’s doing okay, but still having a lot of trouble with her dermatitus. She will get healed up, but then the crazy cat will start to scratch again too much and have to be collared again to heal. We’ve tried just a ton of things… clipping her back claws, and medicines and no-itchy sprays and just so many things. Poor thing…

Well, all’s well… it’s kinda nice to have a busy time… as it will make the new year calm, quiet and contented. We’ll have a little extra cash to get through the slower time in January and February, and we’ll have time to just read and relax and enjoy the winter months. Jessy’s class load should be a little better second semester and things will relax a bit.


If you’re curious… her website is:

Lots of fun. We love helping to get kids into geology! It’s very fun and rewarding. We have plans for new products and kits, but that will have to wait until next year! We’re just getting toooo busy right now to start anything new! Even Mom here, I’m used to trying to get 3 to-do cards done a day? Well, that’s out the window for the next 6 weeks… one card a day is doing good on top of all the order processing, kit making, ordering and trying to get everything out the door as quickly as we can!

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Spot the Freezer

Hahaha…. Doesn’t everyone have a chest freezer in their living room?

Well, I’m hoping to make a little fabric covering for it, and that will really hide the critter. But the fact is, I just don’t have a good spot for it in the kitchen area, so I’m trying it out there in the corner. So far, so good…

Yeah, I suppose that Martha Stewart might not approve. But who knows, she might just do a program on self sufficient urban homestead decoration! How to hide freezers in your decor… decorating with jams and jelly jars… making scrap rugs from old clothes… you know, there might be something here… hmmmm….


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