Fresh Eggs


There’s really nothing like a fresh egg.

They’re beautiful. The colors, they are all these lovely shades of beige and brown and creamy white. The shells, they are tough and hard to break easily, protecting the good lovely treasure within. The sizes are delightful, sometimes big, sometimes medium, and even teeny. Sometimes they have a little funny shape, like a weird little ripple in the shell, or a little flat spot, and sometimes they have a little straw or a pin feather stuck to them.

Everyone is simply a treasure to behold.

And don’t forget that after admiring them, and seeing them in the sunlight all creamy white and brown and waiting for you to do something with them… you get to eat them! A fresh egg is just so much more tasty. It’s amazing. Even my children, who at first were actually a bit afraid to try one, gave them a try and were amazed. You could see it on their faces. They take a little nibble, and then look up and are surprised. And then they make those scrambled eggs disappear and sit back to remark on how amazingly better fresh chicken eggs taste.

Of course they do. They are fresh eggs, not something that was laid a month ago and then trucked around and parked in a cooler for more time and all. And they’re not pumped full of antibiotics and weird feeds and produced under inhumane and just gross conditions of stress and fear and filth and profit first philosophies.

These are from REAL chickens… girls with happy little chicken lives and apples and greens to eat and dirt to scratch and flop around in and bugs to eat and straw to nestle in and a little crazy Bantaam rooster to pester. These are from chickens we KNOW and can’t wait to go and visit again.

So even if you don’t do anything else in this world. Make sure you find a local hen keeper and buy fresh eggs. You owe it to yourself and your family. It’s such a simple little thing and it just makes a world of difference. If you were to ask me why I want to work hard and save my money and someday move my moby to a few acres… one of the main reasons? To be able to keep some hens of my own. I just simple can not wait to be able to go out and gather their little gifts to me and my girls, and share with them our table bounty and to watch and enjoy their antics. I just can’t wait to have my girls out running about in our garden beds and helping me turn over the dirt and waiting to snatch little bugs and worms for their own. I can’t wait to have chicken TV to watch and bring home new little chicks from the Tractor Supply store, or to have to get up at 5 AM to go and pick up my first box of babies at the post office!!!

Yep. Fresh eggs and gentle hens are some of my top priorities in life.

So Jen? I’m gonna to be calling you soon because we’re down to our last dozen eggs and we miss the girls so much!!!


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Jack Helps…


Jack has been hanging out in the Moby a little more.

I like to think it’s because he likes being around us and just loves us all.

In reality, I’m pretty sure it’s the cold outside and the food inside that is much more of his motivation to be an indoor kitty.


Jack likes to lay around on our work table when we are working on Opry things, rocks, orders, whatever needs to be done. He’s pretty much decided that it’s a fun place to hang out. He likes to play with us and grab pens and knock stuff off the table. It’s pretty funny, he’s a goofball of a kittyboy.


He is our head feline supervisor to make sure all the orders are properly watched over and he insures quality control! He’s quite devoted to his new job.

What a goofball….


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HDR Photography


Jessy has showed me this new type of photography that is getting some neat attention. It’s called HDR and to be honest, I don’t know a lot about it, but she showed me a couple photos that she did as a test. Basically, you bracket several shots, and some are under exposed, and over exposed and correctly exposed and then you combine them in a special program or with Photoshop. Aren’t they super cool? She has some others as well that she’s working on. I’ll share them when she gets them done….


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