Working on a New Geology Game!


As you might know, my daughter Jessy’s company is called Dragon Mountain Treasures.  She makes and sells rock, mineral and fossil kits for kids!  She also designed this fun card game called GeoMaster that is doing very nicely and is well recieved!

Well, she’s done it again.  She has been working on a board game all about geology with a fantasy flair and it is called Dragon Mountain Treasure!  Imagine that!  You play a dragon and you go around collecting rocks and minerals for your treasure horder and try to become the head dragon!  It’s really quite a lot of fun!  IMG_3274

We just got the little dragons in a bit ago and even the kitty thinks they are pretty keen!

It will also be a fun educational game as you play a dragon with a geological type they specialize in…  like metamorphic or igneous and you collect treasure cards that offer a bunch of different types of specimens, each with information on the card about that specimen to learn about!  IMG_3293

I have been doing all the artwork and we started with a very rough handdrawn board and cards and have been working to get it closer to the finished project.  This board above is the third proof!  It hadn’t been sent to the printers yet, just printed on our own color printer, but it’s very close.  IMG_3295

Like any game, you have to play test it.  Over and over and over again!  You try and break the system, to find flaws and fix them. Luna kitty is making sure we don’t cheat!

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It’s hard to do anything around here without kitty supervision!

But it’s sure fun and we try and get others to play and see if they understand the rule or not.  And we try two players, three, and four to make sure it doesn’t play weird with different combinations of players.  IMG_3309

And look now!  We got back from the printers the first proof!  A real board!  And colorful cards!  DMT-game arrived!


It is SO exciting!  The artwork for the two card decks is pretty much complete.  There are a few little grammar errors, and things that we want to adjust or change, but not too many.  They really turned out nice.  And the board is about 75% complete!  I am going to be designing and illustrating four dragons for the four corners of the board as well as a few landmarks on the board that are now just basic simple drawings.  IMG_3592

Jessy like to put her treasure cards in a jumbled mess!  However…  I prefer to organize my cards!


Look!  I WON!   I can’t believe it.  After playing like 25 times, I finally won a game!  Well, I don’t remember winning, I might have, but this was a really spectacular win!  Look at all that treasure!

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Well, it’s still got a bunch of testing to do, some artwork to design, a second proof and then the instructions to finalize as well as the box art!  Hardly nothing!  Hahaha…  okay, well, that is a bit.  But we will chip away at it.  We are really hoping to have it available around the first of June!  We shall see how that deadline goes!  Just a fun game for kids and adults alike.  We love to design games that kids can play with adults and the adults have fun, too.  Nothing worse than trying to play a kid game and you are just so bored with it.  This is fun, has twists and turns and is very playable for young and old.  I think Jessy has another hit!  Yah!

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We have a CLOSET!


Apparently, back in the 1910s, people didn’t like closets or really didn’t make them in their homes.  Because our 100 year old farmhouse has no closets.  Well, we do have one sort of closet in a spare room but it was clearly added on.  But no closets anywhere else.  We have made closets from cabinets and we scored another one a bit ago from a salvage yard!  For only $40…  solid wood, came from a elementary school.


We had an idea to put it in our kitchen nook to serve as a place for all our winter gear and also some homesteading and farm related stuff.  Like animal care things and medicines, that sort of thing.  However, we did have a little issue… it was TOO TALL to set straight up!  We ended up having to trim a bit of the base off the darn thing.  IMG_3176 IMG_3177 IMG_3178 IMG_3219

But we managed and now the big old thing is working out great!  Maggie is going to build a little bench to the side so you can sit and put your boots and shoes on.  And we need to get some hangers for inside of it.  With no closets in the house, we don’t have any hangers to spare!  Honestly, we really don’t have too many hangers at all!


A pretty darn cool thing if you ask me!

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Learning to Basket Weave…


As you might know, I’m a weaver.  I love to weave on my big floor loom and smaller inkle looms.  My daughter started a company to make tools and looms.  We raise our own sheep for fiber for fiber arts.  So, yes, we’re quite invested in our weaving arts here at our little homestead.

However, there has been one form of weaving that I’ve never really given a try to!  Basket weaving!  So I purchased a kit from Amazon to give it a try.  I thought that is the best way to give it a whirl, see if I like it and not spend too much money on tools and supplies.  IMG_2893

I picked a melon or egg basket from various simple kits from a fine company called Commonwealth Basket Mfg. Inc.  It came with everything that I needed.  And the instructions are very easy and perfect for a beginning weaver.  The steps were simple and in a hour or so, I had a beautiful little basket!  I am hooked!  Here are some of the steps that I took pictures of…  In the end, I really recommend giving this a try!  The kit was like $15 and it was very well organized with plenty of materials so you can make a mistake or two!


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