Ain’t nothing better than bread you create in your own home.
It’s just so good. Something so simple as bread, and yet make it from scratch and it’s like something handed down from the heavens above. And when it’s good… it’s super good and just wonderful. I think it’s the smell… yeah…. baking bread is awesome.
Well, our ten dollar bread machine from a garage sale was trying to work and managed to get two loaves done before it died. It will turn on, but it won’t do anything. So… I guess we’re back to making it by hand, which I did this day… or getting another, a real one with a warrenty.
I don’t mind making it by hand, but I must admit, the machine is a little bit easier. Of course, some might say, well, a machine is not really simple… and yeah, that’s the truth. But if I had to make it by hand all the time, there would just be some days that it wouldn’t get made. And then we start back down the slippery slope and the next thing you know, we’re getting a loaf from the Kroger store. So, I’ll be looking into another machine, real soon.
But in the meanwhile… I got to enjoy a big old slab of REAL homemade French toast this morning and my goodness…. it was bliss. One piece was all you needed…
Yes, that is a HUGE electric skillet!! That is one large piece of french toast!!!
And get this… I did a little research and there is a fellow only about 2 miles from me that raises homegrown eggs!!! OH MY GOSH! I can’t wait to go over and meet him and buy eggs. I hope he won’t mind if I visit a little and ask questions about his girls… I hope he is a organic egg man, and that he treats his hens good… I found him on Craigs’ List! I SO want chickens… I don’t know why, I just do. I’m not sure if my moby manager will let me have a few girls of my own… I think I will have to wait and think about it some… see if I can really handle it. Visiting with the egg man, that might be a helpful decision maker for me… yeah…. I can’t wait!