This is a very busy time of the year for us. The weather finally breaks and suddenly, all we want is to be outside, working, cleaning, soaking in the sunshine! It’s a slow process for a few weeks, everything seems rather overwhelming, actually. It’s good that we get a few rainy cold days in the mix because it allows us to slow down and rest a bit.
We have gotten most of the yard and pastures picked up, cleaned. Fallen branches, trash that has blown in through the months, just stuff that was left or lost through the snow days. All the grass is growing and looks so beautiful. Lush and green. It’s so hard to keep the animals off the new grass to give it a chance to grow up because they crop it down. We give them a day here and there to nibble away and then back to the paddocks to give it all time to grow lush.
Just seems like there are a million and one things on our plate at the moment. It will calm down, surely, just about when it starts getting a little hot! Hopefully, by then, we will have most of our spring goals accomplished! Right now, on our plate, is the following…
– Establish new fruit in the garden. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and grapes. (Almost done!)
– Plant a ton of onions! (We got about 500 onion starts for like hardly nothing!)
– Muck out the pig house, sheep shack and the pony barn. (1 outta 3 done!)
– Clean and rebuild the fire pit
– Fix bunny hutches and move outside!
– Clean screen porch and mudroom really well…
-Get rid of growing trash pile. We are being brutal and getting rid of anything that is old, broken, left over, trash, just not gonna be used stuff. For some reason, with a little farm, you start to accumulate all sorts of weird things!
– Paint! Paint! Paint! (We have a lot of painting to do this year…)
– Fix Fencing… Make new pen for pigs, expand paddock for sheep, expand weed patch pasture to include the wood lot…fence back fence of garden better… Just improve fencing all the way around.
– Lay some more stone and gravel in high traffic areas…
– Pick up several huge bags of sawdust and shavings to make the animal shelters super nice and fresh.
These are just some of the things we are working on. Slowly but surely! And of course, just raking and picking up, sorting stuff, getting the place back in order. Oh yes, and grooming winter shaggy animals and raising up chicks and incubating eggs and oh my! Yes, working and weaving and crafting… it’s a very busy time! My apologies if the blog posts are a little thin and few between… we are alive, and we do pop in on Facebook a little more frequently with quick updates and such… Hope everyone is having a good spring as well! It’s so beautiful here… just loving it.
Well, the strawberry bed is calling me. Got 100 plants to get in the ground today before it rains!!!
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