So excited… a few new pictures of the two sheep that will be adding to our little spinner’s flock! They are Finn sheep… the little fellow above was just born and he will be our breeding ram for the fall and winter of this year. I’m pretty sure his name is going to be Luukus…. and then this lovely little ewe yearling is coming along as well! We are going to call her Lyydia. (Apparently Finn names like double vowels!) We are so excited because they are coming from a little farm called DK Acres run by our friends Dan and Kristina… we got our lovely hog, Ebony from them! And we hope to be trading a couple piglet boys for the sheep sometime this summer. Still a couple months away, but I’m excited! I’m very interested to add a few varieties of sheep to our flock so that we will have different types of fleeces to work with. Finn is a sheep that I have always liked because it’s very similar to Shetland and they interbreed nicely. And their fiber is just a very pretty soft and crimpy lock… it’s just wonderful. And I love the fact that they have large litters of sheep… the record is nine lambs from one ewe!!! Of course, this is not the norm, but 3 to 5 is not uncommon! Wow… Just a pretty cool thing…
Aren’t they so pretty!
Luukus’s mom is white and he will most likely lighten up as well. It’s very common for the babies to be pretty darn dark, black and brown but they fade out. So you just don’t really know what they will end up like until they mature a bit! Just very excited…