Just a few pictures from last Monday’s morning chores! We had a nice sunny day, but it was still pretty cold… but it’s fun to get out and visit with everyone… Cody sure loves his occasional apple treats!!!
Two little babies in my arms before we go out and take care of everyone! Haha… Dixie kitty is jealous of Buttercup!
We had a big bunch of expired tortillas and so we gave them out as treats to everyone! Chickens love Mexican food!!!
I love all the holes in Copper’s treat…
The sheep like them too, it’s rather funny to watch them walk around with their treasure. It’s like they are not so sure how to eat them but don’t want to give them up for sure!
Cody is very ready to eat any that we give him. He is such a carb-a-holic… anything wheat based and he is in heaven! He likes pretzels a lot… but hey, who can blame him? Pretzels are awesome!
The older free range hens out sunning themselves… these ladies are all older and rarely lay much anymore. I suspect when the temperatures rise a bit, they might but that’s okay, we love them and they can hang out around the barn and take care of bugs and scratch up patties… that is their job and they take it very seriously!
Buttercup is growing! All this good milk she is loving… She is such a sweetie and we all love the silly little goatie!!!
This was before their haircut! Oh my gosh! They were SOOOOO big and fluffy before… now they are cold and scrawny looking! Poor sheepies!!!
An apple a day keeps a pony HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

Just got a new moby and are planning are additions and changes, your blog is great