Baby chicks in our dining room means spring to me.
Of course, it’s like stinking 10 degrees outside, the yard is a sheet of ice and your feet freeze in about 3 minutes, but hey… we got a box of little chicken nuggets today at the Rural King store… and that wonderful little peeping means SPRING!!!!
Soon… another week or so…

Sherri, will these be for eggs or food?
20 of them are meat chicks… 6 are egg layers… 3 of which are Buff Brahmas and 3 are Aranuacunas… That lay the Easter egg colored eggs…
We raise them all up together and they do great. The heritage egg layers seem to be a little smarter and help to teach the meat chicks how to be chickens! Its worked for us now 3 times, this is our 4th batch of meat birds…