We’re not dead, just buried in work for the holidays!
We will bring you uninterrupted Mobile Home Woman programming in about 10 days. Maybe even 8 or something like that! It’s super crazy around here and we are just trying to get through each day without getting mean and upset at each other in the stress. It’s not too bad… yet. (gg) We love the extra income and it really is a blessing, lots of nice upgrade to the farm and stuff we needed, but it’s still a lot of work and just a lot of effort on everyone’s parts! We will relax around the 19th or so…
Stay tuned!!!

WE WAS WONDERING WERE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN ! We’re messing the updates..the baby chick..and then you “tease” us with the new drywall and not any updates???! lol…
Glad its a good season for “ya all” and my gosh how lucky that Santa has helpers!
Glad you’re busy with ‘good stuff”. (:
I may not write much, but sure enjoy your updates. They are worth waiting for! hugs!!!
I was wondering what yall girls were up to!!! Take it easy!
We were wondering too! Maybe you could just post each day with a picture with the “12 days of Christmas” theme – I think you have enough farm animals for the photos. It was good to see your update and the bed looks great!