Moving on up!


Last summer, we were able to purchase a lovely yard tractor for our little farm homestead.  A gift from my father that will last us many years we hope.  Miss Maggie is the major driver of our new Husquavarna lawn tractor!  We bought it from our friends at Superior Farm and Feed nearby and we are sure that they will be able to help us keep our new baby good and helpful for us for years and years!


We have 3 acres and even though we have sheep and goats that help keep most of our homestead in mown shape, they are not perfect and it gets away from them.  And the tractor is not just for mowing but with it’s lovely little trailer we can use it for a wide variety of chores around the place.  Moving hay and rocks, picking up trash and vegetation trimmings and such, this tractor is going to really make things so much easier!  Paul taught Maggie all about how to run it and how to take care of basic maintenance.  We also ordered a nice cover for the baby, too!


Jessy gave it a whirl as well and so did I.  It drives so nice and does a lovely job of keeping the estate all nice and tidy!   And it even was great at moving all my goodies out to the cottage.  We hope to add a few attachments to help with leaves and detaching and maybe even a snow plow blade!  It’s powerful enough to take on many jobs.  It’s not quite a full blown tractor, of course, but it’s much more powerful than just a mower.  We are super pleased with the beast and hope to really make good use of this baby in the many years to come!  IMG_8809

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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