This was a particularly beautiful morning there today. The sun was just shining in a way that made to stop and take notice. It was about 8:30 and the dew was on the grass and the pale sunshine was coming through the trees like golden streams of drifty water. Just pretty.
Everything was just perfect looking. This is truely the golden hour of the morning that photographers and artists adore. I can understand why.
I’m not normally a morning person. I really am not. I can stay up to 2 or 3 with the best of them. As a part time musician, we often play late into the night, or at the least, drive home late. As a work at home graphic artist, same thing, a client needs something and I’m up all night getting it done. I don’t mind it, but yet sometimes I think it’s a weird schedule to live. It messes up my clock a bit, so I try and stay on some sort of schedule, when I can.
But then this little critter came into our lives.
And now I’m up about 6 or 7 every morning with my puppy shift. Jessy takes care of the little rug rat all day and into the evening until she puts her to bed in her comfy doggie crate. (All decked out, I might add and quite the little palace…) But being a little nipper still, she can only go about 5 or 6 hours MAX before the puppy alarm goes off and she’s just gotttttttttta GOooooooooooo!
So, I’m becoming more of a morning person.
It’s okay, I get to leisurely go through my email and read my blogs I love… and I usually make a nice breakfast and sit down to enjoy it. Sometimes, I’m outside to check the farm and to just do some work that is much easier in the cool morning time than in the heat of the afternoon. I’m not a heat person. Sorry, try, but I’m not.
Just about ready to transplant some of my seedlings to the big beds. I think they’re ready. I thought about trying to push it and do it today, but I had a plan already. I have had six bags of mulch and two flower beds that really needed a little dressing up. I had let them get a little too weedy and they had dead tulips and such all over, I will admit, they were not looking too good.
Didn’t want to get a little red notice on my door about unruley garden beds, so my goal today was to get them weeded, cleaned up and mulched.
Besides, all the mulch was making it hard to get to the grill! Priorities you know.
Here’s the before shot. Yes, to the untrained eye, it was looking a little rough. Sure you can see a few things in there, but it mostly looks like a bit of a tangle.
So I corralled the pup in her little outdoor playpen, which she thinks is something close to torture, and set at pulling and clipping. I’d like to be able to leave her loose, like Gypsy, but she has been running off the moment you let her go, so that’s no fun. Jessy is working hard to get Evee comfortable with the leash, but she’s still a little rough on that and ends up pulling and straining if you leave her on it for more than a few minutes.
But I can handle a little bit of whining puppy so I got to work.
240 pounds of mulch and a couple bucket loads of grass and weeds and I think it looks a good deal more presentable. Don’t you think? I’ll never be a super prim and proper flower gardener, but I do like the look of a fairly orderly bed with a good thick layer of mulch. Yeah, I do have a mulch habit, I will admit. But this year, I’ve really cut back. Yes, I have. I think I’m only up to about 20-22 bags of mulch this year. 800 pounds or so?
Well, mulch really helps to improve your soil. My super happy plants are a testimonial to that. All my perennials this year are just doing wonderfully. Nice and thick, good solid growth. I might even be able to divide a few clumps soon, maybe next year. I really don’t think I have much more space for anything new, so I might just let it all be and fill in the areas they already inhabit. Not sure yet.
Fruit permaculture is doing well. Peaches are growing nicely, apples too! I think tomorrow I’ll actually have a harvest of strawberries for my cereal! Blueberry bushes are growing nicely, but I don’t see much budded fruit. It’s cool, they had a rough winter and one had to be cut back pretty far. It’s bushing out nicely now, so I’m not too worried. We still have blueberries in the freezer from last year!
Well, it’s due to rain here, all afternoon and evening, so I’m glad to have finally gotten my last two beds mulched and cleaned up a bit. The raised beds are all ready to go, and I think tomorrow I’ll start setting out some of my tomatoes and peppers and plant beans and peas. Yep. A little every day makes it a delightful time in the morning gardens.