Aren’t these little boys the best charmers? No wonder the hooved ladies of Windhaven find them so desirable… Dreamy and Harley are just the sweetest little studs around. Especially when it’s cornflower season. Of course, we learned afterwards that cornflowers can give sheep a bellyache, but it’s cornflower season around here and they nibble them through the fence! I guess they don’t know what’s not good for them or it’s like Taco Bell…. tastes great going down but can haunt you later on! haha… Once we learned that, we stopped picking them for Harley and he was sad. Goats can have all they want, so I guess Dreamy gets to be the recipient of an odd cornflower or two! Jessy took these cute pictures one afternoon as she was visiting the boys.

Just look at that pretty, curly head!