Kitty Boy Jack


Jack the Cat is settling in nicely and getting the hang of living with us.

He likes to watch me type on the computer.

I’m pretty sure he’s not too sure what I’m doing, but he likes to watch me anyway.


He’s such a handsome little fella…. and he’s so nicely mannered for the most part. (he can get a little snarly at foodtime, but that’s the life of a stray you know….)

He’s even learning how to play “I’ve got a piece of mulch and you don’t” with Gypsy. Being a dog, she usually wins at this game… but he’s really comfy around her. But then Gypsy is good with kitties.


But’s he’s mastering the kitty snoozing bed ballet pretty good and is even comfy sleeping around Luna now…. she normally pesters him badly like an annoying little sister or a stalker girlfriend. But they are kinda getting used to each other and they do like to play in the morning out in the yard… he’s really settling in nicely.


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Pedicure for the Apple Trees

Well, the little apple tree darlings had a nasty little problem from the store…. they had hairy little toes at the base of their trunks… lots of little sucker shoots off them! So… with my trusty NEW Fiskar Trimmers from Frank… I got started!



This one had a little extra bonus bush growing out of it’s bottom! That just won’t do…. they’ve had a little time to get acclimated to the moby farm… so this won’t hurt a bit.

Fiskar’s makes great crafting blades and such, so I am not surprised that their gardening tools are nice too…. easy to use, nice clippers. I’m going to hide these so that some children of mine won’t be tempted to be too rough on these darlings…


Look! A tree is under there!!!

Time to clip off their little store tags… I think I know whom are whom…. the two closest to the parking space are the Arkansas Black Gold variety… the middle one is a red delicious, the far back one next to the pine tree is a red too… and the little one closest to the door is a regular old Golden… Sweeet…. And look… a red and a gold each have a REAL apple on them already!!!!

A little mulch to help them retain their watering and we’re done!!! I’m pleased… they are doing well. We had one get a little shocky and wilt a bit, but we gave her a good long soak and that seemed to help and now she’s back to being perky as little apple trees should be.

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