My Gypsy Girl


Jessy has been shooting the dog again.

And she got some pretty photos of Gypsy after her bath!



Gypsy LOVES to play stick. She will play fetch with her yucky drooly stick for hours if you let her. It’s one of her most favorite things to do.



I love this picture…. she has the most beautiful brown eyes…

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Jessy Moby Photo Shoot


One of the best things about having a college kid in school for a photography degree is that she takes lots of photos of your place if you want! You don’t even have to ask, she’s just always shooting photos!


She shot a bunch of photos of the sunflowers on the south side of the Moby…. they are all blooming and I just love it! Next year I want to double the amount!


And a few of the garden and all…





Look at our little sugar baby watermelon! It’s sure trying to get bigger! It might actually make it! How cool is that…


Thanks Jessy! You’re doing a great job of your craft! I can’t wait till she gets her macro lens… she’s hoping that Santa brings her a nice fancy macro lens for her fancy Nikon…. I suspect that he will. (hee hee hee…)

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Bathtime for Luna


We’ve got fleas.

Apparently, they’ve been pretty bad in the region as I had to go to two different pet stores for supplies! And we used the Bio-spot on all the critters, but well, it’s been a rough season for them.


We’ve done the flea-bomb and the house seems fine…. and Gypsy has been getting baths just about every couple days as well as dusting. We’ve been very aggressively treating the situation.


Problem is… Luna is SO hard to dust or spray or ANYTHING… She fights you, she runs, she claws, she is nasty. Everyone else in the house is clean of the critters but her.

So I told the girls, it’s time. She goes down.


I knew if I would steel my blood and get into a strong and forceful mind set I could conquer this little kitty. Yes, she’s tough. She’s mean and crafty… but I’m craftier.

I filled up the sinks with good warm water. I had Maggie lure the little critter in and then I just said, it’s time. And into the dip she went.


And for whatever reason, she was pretty good.

I haven’t the faintest idea why.

Perhaps she knew that it was a futile to resist. That everyone else had consented to treatment and that she was the sole survivor. She had resisted too long. It was time.


Perhaps it was the nice warm water and my calm soothing words… yeah… or perhaps the little wort just kind of figured out that it was time to get rid of her little vampire friends. She really had quite a few, and they all met their demise in the soapy warm waters.


She even let us drip dry a little before I passed her off to Maggie for a final fluff dry. She was quite relieved that it was all over. Of course Gypsy was very excited to give her a big dog nose of laughter and snuffling that ended with a pretty angry kitty swipe that sent Gypsy off to recover from the blow.


And I’m very happy at the moment to see NONE of our livestock with the little nasty critters… no fleas, no flea dirt and no itching. I believe we have solved the light infestation. Last time I saw fleas this bad was like 18 years ago when we lived in San Diego! It’s been a weird weird year… dry and hot… I’m just glad that the cool nights mean that we’re getting into the Non-Flea season around here!

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