The new vinyl cutter…

Maggie is serious about wanting to start a sign company. And we’re all excited about it. Her father graciously bought her a fancy new vinyl cutter and software package to get started with. About 18 years ago, I used to work at a screen printing and sign company so I know a lot about it, and can help to guide her through the learning process. Right now, she just wants to do signs and stickers, with her wood cutouts and embellishments. I think it’s a perfect compliment to her woodwork.

So when the cutter arrived late this week, we were ready to start learning and playing with it! Pretty neat, and I love the software, it’s SO much better than it was 20 years ago! Haha… of course! But it’s truly very intuitive and easy to learn. We were cutting out the first design within an hour of using it. That’s really good for Maggie, since she doesn’t have quite the background I do in computer graphics and I was hoping that it wouldn’t be tooooo frustrating for her, but it was a breeze! I guess you get what you pay for.

She got an entry level machine, called a Silhouette Cameo. It probably will not serve her when she gets to a higher volume but I think it will be an excellent learning tool. It’s well rated for so many applications and well supported. And I am shocked at how fine a detail it cuts! Simply amazing! It was cutting out 12 point thin cursive lettering just fine. Wow!

If you’re not familiar with vinyl cutters, basically these machines are printer/plotters that drive a little blade in a cartridge and will cut out rastered or vector graphic images. They move the material in and out and around as they cut, it’s super neat to watch it work. The primarily cut an adhesive material that is thin and on a thick carrier back. The blade is super sharp and swivels to cut the thin top layer, but not the thick backing. It can cut cardstock as well, and other thin materials for t-shirts and outdoor and reflective heavier vinyls, too. Very versatile!

First thing, you design your cutting on the computer. Then the cutter cuts it from a full sheet of vinyl. When it’s done, it spits it out and you can then “weed” the image. Neat thing is you get to decide if you want a positive or negative image. If you want the letters clear, you pick that vinyl out. If you want the background clear and the letters the colored vinyl, you pick the background vinyl out. It’s fun to weed! We all got into pretty quickly.

Once it’s weeded, you lay this low tack transfer film over the top of the image. Using a little plastic squeegee you adhere the vinyl to the film and carefully pull away from the backing, exposing the adhesive back. And then, you stick it on whatever smooth and clean surface you want. Glass is perfect and so is metal or plastic. Painted wood is okay, but can sometimes be a little lumpy or bumpy but you can usually smooth it out nicely. Then you use the squeegee again to burnish the adhesive down to the new surface and carefully pull away the low tack transfer film! Perfection!!!!

We’ve been talking about the name of her company all weekend long! Trying this and trying that on for size but I think we’ve finally hit the best after a lot of searching and consideration… we’ll announce it later on with a logo and website! She is so excited to join the family of entrepreneurs that we are so excited for her. Of course, I think she is already on her way to building her own empire since she is doing a good job with selling eggs and chickens and turkeys soon! But she likes the idea of having something that is not just animal related. And something she can learn more and more with computers and such. I think it’s lovely!!! And I can’t wait to be her first lackey slave and advisor!

Speaking of which, I better get back to work. She wants a logo on her desk by tomorrow morning! She’s a tough boss!!!

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Tough Girls…

Something has killed three of our pullets in the last two days.

In the little coop. At night.

And we just got done catching it.

Which was quite a surprising thing, really. I mean, we sure are getting pretty tough around here. Middle of the night, with a stick, a fishing net and a dog cage, we managed to trap a big old possum!!! Even Jessy was in there with the freaked out chickens, wielding the flashlight as Maggie and I cornered and got the net over the bad bad bad marsupial.

Of course, Jessy was the first to hear the distress of the chickens in the middle of the night. We were playing around with the new vinyl cutter for Maggie’s sign shop and all the sudden, Jessy knew something was not right in the back. So we got the herding stick, a flashlight and a dog. Sure enough, there was something in the lil’ coop. Maggie got a flashlight view and said it was a coon. We tried to get Ratchet to go in there but he was scared. (big sissy) Finally, he went in with Maggie for moral support. We found one of our little sweet barred rock pullets dead.

I called for Jessy to go and get the dog cage that J & J had left. Maggie and I kept a watch on the little devil, whom had squeezed his way back behind the apple crate nest box. When she had the crate, we got our chicken catching net and the herding stick and slowly positioned everything to basically net him and drop him into the cage.

Easier said then done, especially with three city chicks that are really ticked off at this murdering varmint. Even Jessy, who would normally not be caught DEAD in the coop, was in there wielding the flashlight amidst the flapping and scared chickens! I was so proud of both my girls… they were handling this calmly and carefully. We really only had a few tense moments and only a few choice words!

Once the killer was caught, we gathered up the poor dead girl and then herded the scared chickens back into the coop and locked it up good. We brought the possum up to the house and left him in the courtyard. I’m not quite sure of his fate. I know that taking him on a ride is a bad thing. Releasing him somewhere else just makes a problem for someone else. Not sure if it’s a girl or boy… if it’s a she, there is probably a nest around somewhere with youngings. Can’t say that I wish it dead, but I really don’t want to loose any more babies! It’s our own fault. That’s the sad thing. Another tough learning lesson. We gave them access to the little green area, but should have been locking it up tight at night. This is the first time we’ve had any trouble with predators since a LONG time ago, back when the hawk killed three of our little turkey poults!!!! A year ago.

Still, that doesn’t make it any easier and it makes it hard to take. It was too dark to find everyone, some were scattered about and had gotten out into the yard. I’m sure they took to the trees and hid, as this nasty beast was picking them off the roost inside. So ticked at this thing. And mad that we let this happen. Another hard lesson learned.

Well, out here, we don’t have an animal control officer. I know. We called once about some squirrels in our porch roof! When I called the county to find out what to do, the lady on the other end of the line was pretty amused. We could call a private varmint company but they wanted $300 to come out. I rather think that is not happening.

I’m pretty sure I’ll be giving Jr. a call in the morning. He’ll know what to do.

And I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing some serious modifications to our coop in the morning and rounding up some little pullets. Thank goodness Pierre was okay. He is my favorite favorite lil’ coop resident.. he’s my rooster baby! He loves to be held and carried around… he’s such a sweetie! We couldn’t find him at first and I was scared he was a goner, but then Maggie found him hiding with some hens and he came to her! I got to cuddle and hold him for a bit and he was talking up a storm. I’m pretty sure he was telling me all about the dreadful event. Poor baby!

Life in the country is not easy and can be pretty hard sometimes!!!!

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Bucka Roo Art…

I was just fooling around with PhotoShop and I just love this picture of Bucka that Jessy shot… isn’t it cool how it looks like an illustration? This would make a cool greeting card or note card… do people still send note cards? (haha)

Well, we had a very exciting night… but it started with a very good deal on Craigslist… I just happened to see a fellow selling a Nikon D70 camera and TWO lenses for $120. Yep. The camera worked but for some reason would not save the picture shot to the data card. So they were basically giving you the camera for free and then selling the two lenses dirt cheap! These are nice Sigma lenses… easily $200 each PLUS the camera! Well, Jessy was pretty excited because her nice Nikon D80 had recently had something go wrong with her lens and she was borrowing MINE all the time, because a new lens was pretty expensive!!!

So now, she has two lenses and a camera that after some research we discovered might simply be an issue that it doesn’t recognize NEWER cards! We might be able to just find an older card and it will work fine! Pretty nifty, eh???

Needless to say, she is pretty darn excited… Worse comes to worse? She got two nice lenses for one cheap price! One is a super nice 300mm telephoto/macro! I would expect to see some pretty fancy stuff coming outta that kid’s camera sooner than later!!

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