Out my office window…


I get teased a lot about sleeping in.  And yep, when I want to, I sleep in.  It’s one of the lovely benefits of working at home with your own businesses.  Usually that means I was up fairly late working on website edits for clients or my own various projects.

However, that being said, I do love the mornings that I get up early and see the sun rising through my office window.  I’ve tried on several occasions to get pictures of the event but they are always pale in comparison with the real thing.

But these couple did get close.  It’s so beautiful, with the faint dew on the grass and the streams of glorious sunshine coming up from the east yard.  It’s worth getting up for, and I do often.  Sometimes just to see the whole day start so wonderfully.


I especially love it when there is a little mist or fog in the morning, that is really beautiful.

We’re in the process of trimming up these trees on this side yard area.  Would like to open it up just a wee bit, as it’s a little dark and overgrown.  One of our ideas is that we’d like a few more birdfeeders over here, to be able to watch from the kitchen, dining room and my office windows.  Especially in the winter.  It’s far enough away from the chickens that they wouldn’t be out here trying to compete with the wildlife.  Eventually, we might move that dog yard fence in the left hand of the photo, over to nearby the road on the right hand side.  Open up the area for the dogs to run around in, and also to allow the sheep access now and then, so we don’t have to mow it.

For now, however, it’s just a little side yard of morning beauty and I just love looking out at it in the dawn.

Of course, when I make it to work on time.

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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