I caught these two snoozing out on the hammock.
Duke and Maggie were catching a little zzzzzz-s out in the warm sunshine, after doing chores barefooted. Apparently. And then they heard the camera shutter and I was in trouble! Haha….
I love that we get dirty.
Getting dirty means you’re working and you’re enjoying what you’re doing and don’t give a hoot if you get totally farm filthy!
I tell you, our clothes have taken a licking and are showing true wear and tear for the first time in our lives! Why I have a pair of work jeans that I think even after you wash them, they could stand up by themselves in the corner! There is good hard-earned work dirt in every weave of that denim. And paint and stains from this project and that. Sheep slobber, pony poop, chicken feathers… it’s all there.
And proud of it!
When you live in the city and have a nice little city life, you just don’t know what DIRTY is until you spend a month or two doing livestock chores and rehabbing an old farm. Then you will learn what dirty means. There’s been a few times that I took a shower after a hard day of work, got out and thought, shoot, I’m not totally clean yet, after looking at my filthy feet after a good stiff scrub! And it’s back in the shower.
So I think it’s delightful to see my kids with dirty filthy feet after a hard day’s playing and work. It’s a badge of contentment, I figure.
I think we need more hammocks at Windhaven. At least another couple for sure.

I know exactly what you mean. Rehabbing and rebuilding a farm will take everything out of you and then some. Wish I had a hammock…
I’ve heard it referred to as ‘good, honest dirt’. (: