Santa brought us a new mailbox. We really needed one. Our old one is all nasty and rusty and at some point a bird made a nest in the back and left a bunch of yucky stuff in there. And it’s small. Very tiny. So our poor mail lady has to bring stuff into the house a lot of the times because it won’t fit in our mailbox.
So, we got this nice HUGE rural mailbox. It’s really big. About 12 inches tall! And wide too. A lot of our smaller boxes and envelopes will fit nicely in there. I showed our mail lady it a week or so ago and she was so pleased! She’s super nice and said she didn’t mind bringing in all our stuff, but I did. Just because we have a crappy, teeny, nasty mailbox doesn’t mean she should have to work around us. Especially because we get a LOT of our supplies and such off the internet and eBay… we do get a larger amount of little packages and such. I told her I wanted to paint it up nice, and she said, she couldn’t wait to see how cool it was!!! (Did I say that she is super nice???)
Well, I debated in my head what I wanted to paint on it. How I wanted to do it and all that. And to celebrate our finishing of our art studio (photos and info to come) I decided that on one side I would put the numbers nice and big, and then on the other side the farm name would get top billing. Our house marks the first address that transitions into being Main Street as opposed to Route 20. And I know how I dislike trying to find a house number and it’s way teeny or not even there. So, I made it nice and big on the way coming from Toledo. That should work nicely!
It needs a spray of sealer, but that shouldn’t take long to dry and I hope I can pop it outside tomorrow! That will be fun! Can’t wait to see how it looks! I hope we can get the old one off the post easily!

Love the pony on the mailbox. You did a super job personalizing it.
Perfection! It really is!!
I bet your mail lady is just going to SMILE seeing that.