It took us about three days to get pretty much done, but it was worth it. Now we have a much more efficiently functioning kitchen. All the frequently used equipment is in the right hand side, including most of the foodstuffs… and the less frequent stuff is in the left hand side in the pantry and hanging big shelves.
So far, it’s been delightful to work with. Not sure why I didn’t think of it before, I just guess we were sort of set in our ways. It got me to thinking that it’s probably good to step back and take a look at some of your own “systems” and routines and see if maybe they can be tweaked a bit or altered to work better.
Went through all the jars and such in the hanging cupboards, too. They were just cluttered and had a bunch of weird, out of place things and it was just not right. Jessy and I took everything down, cleaned and then put things back in ways that just made more sense. Grouped like things and such. The third shelf from the bottom is going to be our snack shelf, and that really is nice. It was also useful to see what we had and consider some of the “lost” things for meals in the coming week.
Back around the corner, in the breakfast nook, that no one uses but the cats… we put all the small appliances and less frequently used items. We also stashed all our canning jars as well as the great stash of egg cartons that we have. It is nice to have them nearby, but not right in the middle of the whole operation.
We are going to use our little shelf unit that we got off Craig’s List to store pet and farm things. Dog grooming stuff, food, mittens and hats, stuff like that. Ultimately I want to turn the nook into a pet/farm/outdoor gear storage area! With a couple tall wardrobe units, a little work surface counter, wet boot storage and room for the kitty litter boxes and food storage. But that will have to wait a bit. We have a little leak in the back there and the ceiling is rough. It’s the last ceiling in the house that needs replacing. I’m hoping that we can solve the leak by doing some more caulking and then tar application around a few pipes that come up through the membrane roof in that area. It’s a relatively new roof, and seems quite sound, but when it rains REALLY hard, we get a little drip, drip, drip. I think it’s the water getting in under the roof, from the force of the hard sideways rain. Normal simple showers and there’s nothing. I’m hoping that a good liberal amount of thick gunking will stop that right up! But until then, that little nook is going to just be in flux. Which is fine! We’ve got plenty of time to worry about that. And other things on the priority list!
But I am just so pleased at how the re-arranging went! I think we will like this for years to come. It just makes better sense.

Great ambitious job! This is the first I’ve taken notice that you don’t have any upper cupboards. I do like my uppers on either side of my sink holding my most used dishware. Saves steps when packing away the clean ones out of the dish drainer. (I don’t have dishwasher, either.)
Sometime, when you have nothing else you can think of to do (!!) maybe you could dash off sort of a floor plan of your house? (Feel free to ignore this idea if you want, it is just an idiosyncrasy of mine.) It appears your kitchen is an addition. What room may have been the original kitchen?
I just love old farmhouses, not that I have one. You know I’m nuts when I was thrilled to find the floor plans and drawings of all the Sears mail-order house models from 1908 to 1940 were online!!
(Rolling my eyes….)