Hmmm. I ran out of pictures and things to post about. I’m all caught up!
I had a little build up of photos and stuff going on here at the homestead, but well, now I’m all caught up. Guess that means tomorrow, I need to shoot some more photos! And think about what to write about.
Spent most of the day just surfing the web, looking at stuff, learning about top bar bee hives (gonna do that this spring) and found someone with some bred shetland ewes and a lamb ewe that they need to get rehomed and oh boy, I wish I had some extra money…. haha… I would love to have some baby lambs this spring! Alas, it’s $200 and that is money I need to spend to fix the well. Darn. Jessy said no. (But I’ll bet I could whine about it for a few days and she would cave. haha.. she’s not got her mom-sense totally grown in yet! haha… I’m sure she would cave after a good day or two of whining.)
Been looking at ideas for the studio and just putzing with facebook.
You know, if you want to see stuff faster, and just get my witty little one or two sentence updates, you should LIKE us on the farm page one Facebook.
I think. Yeah, it is.
Somedays it’s easier to just post a little quick update then to write a whole blog post. Just sometimes. And I put a bunch of pictures and stuff up there, so you can leave comments and all that fun stuff.
I just put a couple pairs of banty chickens up for sale. That is a new thing, a first! I’m trying it first with the Facebook community because most of those folks are local and might be interested in our darling little BB Red English Banty Pairs. They should be laying soon and would make some nice little pet pairs. They are sure cute. We’re not going to be raising banties for the most part, so I figure it’s time for them to get new homes. And our two D’uuncle Belgian calico banty roosters, Pete and RePete… They are getting big and need their own place and maybe a few girls to entertain. (They used to be the chicks Petunia and Daffodil… but they turned out to be roos, so we first renamed Petunia to Pete, since he was the first to mature and crow, and then when we discovered Daffodil was a boy too, Maggie called him RePete… haha… it is pretty funny.
If we can’t find homes for them, they will probably go out to the little coop of Marans next week or so. They’ll be fine with Rooben and Silver. Big roos don’t seem to think banty roos are much competition. As long as they stay outta the big boys way, they will be fine.
We’ve been thinking about the things we would like to be offering this coming year. It’s going to be a fun year for sure! Can’t wait.
Windhaven Products…
Wool – Shetland and Angora – raw fleece, roving and yarn
Angora Rabbits for fiber pets
Chickens – Heritage Homegrown/Hatched and Bred ; Marans – Pure & Halfbreed
Eggs by the dozen
Honey and Beeswax
Wooden Primitive Products
Heirloom Gourmet Garlic
Lavender – Cut & dried flowers – lavender buds – sachets & therapy products
Candles – our homegrown candles of lavender from our own beeswax.
Soaps – Cold and Hot poured soaps with local sourced goodies & scents
Cut Flowers & Bittersweet Vines – Zinnias and Sunflowers…
And of course… Rocks, Minerals and Fossils for kids!
Not a bad selection! Hopefully, we can get it all going this year! That is the plan. This is going to be such a big year, our first full year without having to rehab the whole place! When I think about how much effort and money we put into the place last year, this coming year will be a breeze! Sure, we’ve got things and ideas to impliment, but we’ll be ready and we won’t have so much hard labor to do, just to get the place livable. We can take projects one at a time and start to impliment them! Way cool… can’t wait.
Hurry up spring!!! (gg)
Oh I would have been really annoying on those pioneer wagon trains. I would be the one always asking… “Are we there yet?”