Been waiting a long time for this festival… the Harsen’s Island Bluegrass Festival, the very first one. I was contacted way back in the spring by Kate Hart, the organizer, and I knew right away that it was going to be a good one and it was.
And best part? We got to ride on a ferry to get to the island!!! How cool is that?
It rained a bit on our way there, actually got really dark and just blew over, poured for about 5 minutes and it was done. That did help a bit, to take a little of the heat off the day.
On my gosh the water was so blue… it was like the Caribbean! I wanted to just jump in and play! It was so silly and fun to ride the ferry, it’s only like a 2 minute ride, and you can’t get out, you just drive right on and this guy brusquely gets you on and paid and off in no time flat.
It was held at the old Schoolhouse Grill, and what a neat little old schoolhouse. All the vendors were set up nicely and the place had a wonderful buzz and energy to it. We were treated so well, right from the start, it was like being at some big fancy festival and we were honored guests.
We got to park back by the stage, no lugging instruments and such a million miles in the heat! Actually we were right near the edge of a marshy area… that was pretty cool too.
From the stage manager fellow that treated us so kindly, to the crowds, and the vendors, it was one of our best experiences picking this music. We are so happy to help support and spread the word about the festival and we really hope that they have this every year! What a cool thing!
I love events that are run and organized by musicians. They are usually the ones to in turn, treat the musicians at their events well and that is just so wonderful. THey think about things like having enough shade for the performers, liquids available, making sure they feel special. It’s all little stuff really, but it goes SO far in setting up a musician with a super cool energy and happy place, you just don’t understand it I suppose until you’ve stood in 110 degree heat and sun and tried to entertain for hours. Even their badges were cool, VIP ALL ACCESS, and they fed us good BBQ and wonderful sweet corn. It was a pretty cool thing.
And of course, all the music was hot! Lonesome County, Catfish Mafia, Balduck Ramblers, Skin and Bones… and of course, that awesome Ohio band…. Deepwater Bluegrass. HAHA…. It was just wonderful!
They asked us to sign posters for their sponsors! How cool! Our autographs! I want to think about that for the Opry! That would be cool…..
They had the cutest crafts and such at some of the vendors, I wish I had a couple hundred bucks! I would have gotten lots of gifts for everyone! Beautiful jewelry, crafts, foods, soaps and candles, all fun stuff!
Of course, I don’t have any photos of us playing. I really need to train some of our groupies to take pictures! We need them for our archives! Well, I saw lots of folks taking pictures, so maybe I’ll be able to find a few and add them later on!
All in all, it was a most wonderful event and I thank each and everyone of the volunteers that helped to make it so special, and to Kate Hart and her team to organize it and all the wonderful people that enjoyed our music. We had a wonderful time!!!