My Flower Gardens


yeah, I like flowers too.

I haven’t devoted tooo much of my moby farm to the flowers and other lillies of the field…  but I have to have a few pretties around.   Actually I’m very happy because there are four or five large mature lilacs behind the moby, so I will be able to bring in fresh cut boughs of lilac and that is heaven to me.

And I transplanted my very well traveled hostas from Michigan with the help of my friend Jeff.  I was going to leave them and he was like, nope, let’s dig them up.   I had brought them from Perrysburg, Ohio to Redford, Michigan and now they are back home in Toledo again.  They did pretty well last year, so I think now they will be happier and do a good job.

And my friend Jill, she brought over some black-eyed susies from her yard, that I had originally given her from my yard when we were neighbors!  How cool is that?  And she gifted me some of her pretty irises, which are coming up gangbusters… and some tiger lillies too that are sure working hard to get growing.

I bought two little lilac bushes of my own… and Jessy and I planted them up front of the moby.  Right by my bedroom windows.  I hope they will grow big and fast.  But since they are about a foot high right now?  I suspect is will be about oh, 3 or 4 years before they really start being bush like!


We put down a couple bags of mulch too… to kind of dress up the place and make it look like we care.   We do, you know, but I will admit… I have gardens on the mind and food crops!   So I guess it’s a good thing that my flowers are all perrenials…  I probably won’t spend much on annuals much any more.   Just a few of those pretty wave petunnias for my big front pots.   That’s about it.

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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