Maggie’s birthday was at the end of April… and we had a little celebration for her… and she got to open up her first gift!
It is a brand new beautiful beginning violin! (Of course, in this house, it’s a fiddle because we are a bluegrass family!)
Maggie has been trying to learn to play with our old old fiddle we have and it’s been a bit of a challenge. It was her great, great grandfather’s and it’s in delicate shape and a little cranky. Not the best to learn on.
And being a family heirloom, it just was not a good one to take out to festivals and play with others at jams and such. It’s a special thing… So, it seemed time to get her a good solid student model to learn her chops on!
And this one is a beautiful thing!!! Look at that beautiful back. All solid wood! Mom really shopped around for this baby. I didn’t want to spend a fortune but I sure wanted something that sounds good and that she could learn on and play for quile awhile. I think we got one!
She can squawk out a few notes and a little tune, but I hope she will have a great time learning more on this one… She’s been watching YouTube lessons and learning a lot! Fun stuff for sure.
Jessy got her a candy bar and then sweeted it up with a gift card for a game she has been wanting! And a very funny card… She got some other lovely cards and goodies and had a nice birthday! I can’t believe she is 23 years old!!!! Times flies!!!
She wanted Chinese food for dinner and a chocolate pie for desert! It was a lovely day and everyone enjoyed it very much!!!