So sorry to be out of touch the last, well, two months! I can’t believe that I haven’t posted in almost two months… that is just a record!
Well, it all happened around the first of April. We debuted this brand new loom that we designed. We expected that it might sell a few, because of it’s unique qualities. We just never expected to sell 40! And believe it or not, we have been working on getting all those looms done and shipped every since. And people keep ordering more! Along with all the other wonderful things that Maggie handcrafts in her workshop… we have been super duper busy little woodworkers for sure.
Jessy helps in the shop and then handles all the finishing and shipping. I help as well, but do all the customer service and handle and printing as well as all the ordering of supplies and such. It’s really crazy! We even have our friend Miss Julia coming to help through the week!
Right now we even had to put our Etsy shop into vacation mode for a few days so that we could get a little breather and try and get ahead of all the orders in shop. Right now, we have 55 open orders!!! Wow!
We’re so amazed at the success and thank everyone for the wonderful blessing! It’s a great problem to have, I think!
However, there has been fun things happening here at the homestead, so I will try to get back on track and start posting much much regularly! So sorry to upset folks… I know I got a little scoulding from my Dad! He loves to read about the farm and all our adventures and he was worried about us! Sorry Dad! We’ll get back on track now that things are calming down a little bit… Whew!!!
If you want to go and see what all the fuss is about… here is our shop. It should be up and running in a few days from this post.