Iris says… Please vote for Windhaven Farm!!!!
We are so excited to let everyone know that we are participants in the Beekman Boy’s Mortgage Lifter Contest!!!
One farm will get the grand prize of $20,000! Can you believe that??? And a second farm will get a $2,000 prize for reader’s choice…
Wow, that would really go far to helping out our little homestead farm. Let me tell you!!!
All you have to do, is help us by voting DAILY for the next couple weeks. Every day! I wish it was a one time thing, but well, it’s every day until July 17th. We are currently in 4th place out of like 20 something farms! We can do this… we just need a little push! No, we need a HUGE push! (gg)
Here’s the link…
Please vote for us? Windhaven Farm… Thanks a BUNCH!…/windhaven-farm/68898/
We are just SOOO excited about this. I think it’s just so marvelous what they are doing. Helping out small farms to get going and really do some neat things in the farming world. How cool is that?
You can help by looking for their products at various stores and helping out. 25% of the profit goes straight to this yearly contest fund. It’s been marvelous to look at all the other farms and we are just so honored to be part of the whole process!
So please… go and vote? And vote often!!! Thanks a BUNCH!!!…/windhaven-farm/68898/
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