Sorry for being a little off the blog… but we’re having a nutsy spring with babies and car issues and just lots of stuff to do! However, I’m going to try and get a bit caught up as soon as I can!
In the meanwhile… enjoy this fun set of pictures. I was in the sheep barn when I heard this curious set of little clip clops on the pallet walkway. (We have those there because of the mud!!!) So I finally snuck over with the camera and I caught Angus the sheep and Rana the goat playing!!! It was so funny. They were being gentle with each other, but clearly enjoying their game. Angus is a whether and he is so good with his ladies, but he sure enjoys a little game of head butt and pushing… And Rana was doing a pretty good job of pushing back!!!! Enjoy!!!
I love how everyone is watching…. they are locked in mortal stand off… a livestock blinking contest!
Rana getting some good goat frolic energy into the match… Angus doesn’t stand a chance!
And then, all the sudden, they were like… OH MY GOSH… the Food Lady is watching us!!! Quick, act like livestock!!!!! Silly critters. I just love them all.
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