I don’t think there is any question as to what Miss Buttercup thinks of me. I am her Mom. Apparently, she doesn’t mind if I walk on two feet instead of four. She loves me anyway.
She will get on my lap if I let her. Which is a wee bit awkward at times. Because she is hardly petite anymore. Actually with her most likely pregnant self, she’s pushing 40 pounds easy!
Still, there is something so sweet and wonderful about a farm animal that simply adores you. She falls asleep with her head on my lap if I give her the chance. She will come and lay down as close to me as possible if I park it for a bit and soak up the sunshine. She would follow me into the house without a second though and she behaves! When we snuggle, she will push against me and nuzzle me and it’s just a neat thing, really. She is my most favorite goat for sure.
Now, I have a pony that feels just about as close, I’m quite sure. He probably would get in my lap if I let him. But still, he occasionally acts like a pony instead of a dog and will act a bit naughty and such. But not Buttercup. she is all love, all attention and just the sweetest little doe around. I can’t wait to see if she is such a good mom as well to her children. I hope so. Cuz they will be the most spoiled goat kids around if so!!!
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I can see the pure love in that goats eyes for you. Buttercup is a special
animal for sure.