Does anyone out there have any experience with a Singer 1591 sewing machine? I have the chance to pick one up tomorrow and I’m really leaning towards it… Everything I’ve read and researched points to it being a really hard working workhorse of a machine. I have an old Sear Kenmore, and it’s good, all metal head, but it has a lot of trouble with quilting, heavy fabrics, canvas, totes etc. It’s a belt driven machine. This old Singer, however, is a gear driven and will go through just about anything. It will break the needle rather than slip or stall out. So I have been told.
I’ve been researching them for awhile now and I’m ready to bust a move. The fellow that has this one, got it from his Granny, who passed and no one is using it. He’s got it at $100 but will take any reasonable offer, he said. It looks like it’s in good shape, I’ll be going to test sew it and look it over real good. I sure don’t want to get a machine I’ll have to dump more money into after purchasing!
(Things I like about this machine? It has ALL the attachments, in their original boxes. It has a bunch of bobbins and a box of sewing stuff and vintage patterns. It has the original manual and all the accessories… He said his Grandmother took very good care of her things and that the electrical cords are in good shape, not frayed or cracked. The machine is pretty much brand new looking. The only real damage to the cabinet is from a water stain where someone spilled something on the top crack. He says she got it brand new as a gift.)
Just wondering if anyone out there has any comments, history, suggestions or good wishes! The homestead needs a decent hardworking sewing machine!!

Oh that machine looks like the one my grandmother had. I have fond memories of it. I never remember her having any problems with it. She made about all of her dresses on her machine I wish I had one like it. Good find. I love reading your blot. Merry Christmas!
That looks like a beauty!
Grab that thing! Now! They REALLY don’t make sewing machines like that anymore.
The cabinet is worth 100 dollars but I use singers and have sewn on that one and it is a keeper. They are easy to use and are good machines.
Thanks a bunch! That site was very useful!