We’re still alive!


‘Tis the season and we are super busy, and of course, super sick.  Yes, we finally caught that cold bug that has been going around and now Maggie and I are dreadfully ill from it and Jessy has the sniffles, and seems to be coming down it with.  Top it off with tons of orders (good and bad)  a pair of new goats (doing fine, I might add), a ram that is being a HUGE handful (love does that to them apparently), a new loom (which is a little frustrating to learn how to run), and trying to get keep caught up on day to day things when every one is either walking dead or super stressed and busy!!!

But rest assured, we’re fine, otherwise…  and will be posting soon, as much as I can!  I have some neat pictures to share and stories to tell.  My apologies for being a little lost at the moment, with the Nyquil fog and just crazy days, I’m really not totally sure what time or day it is!  I hope to feel better tomorrow, as this dreadful cold is now working on day 5 for us…  that is just long enough!!!

Hope everyone else is having a lovely start to December!!!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


We’re still alive! — 6 Comments

  1. Sending cyber-chicken soup to you sickly ladies!

    Prays for a speedy recovery,
    Fan in NW Illinois,
    Suzanne &Kevin

  2. It takes about twelve days for a cold to run its course. I hope your cold runs its course more quickly. I feel your loom pain. I got a serger and it took me forever to figure out how to thread one of the lower loopers. Then, I got sick so couldn’t sit and do work. Now, though, I am well, and my machine is working well and I am making all kinds of beautiful baby things.

    • Thanks! I have 6 to go! Oh, I know this too shall pass but I hate being sick right during our busy season, it just puts a lot of stress on everything! But I try not to complain, and just thankful that we can take the time off and get better without having to “go” to work… we can sort of nap, take care of stuff, nap, do the soup thing, nap, work, etc. Not everyone has that privilege!!!

  3. Isn’t it awful how sickness NEVER picks a convenient time? Sorry you and the girls have been hit. But thankful that your business is active.
    May God bless and heal all of you!

  4. Still Praying for you all, hoping all of your health is returning.

    Wow, this must have been some bug- no post from you since the 3rd.

    Tap out a message even if no whole post to let us know you ladies and your pets are alive and kicking, Miss Sherri!

    Smiles, Suzanne & Kevin in NW IL