Not sure where I heard about this, but we played with it and my daughters love it… I’ll admit, it’s really good and easy.
We have dubbed it Hillbilly Chicken Parmesan!
Take a jar of spaghetti sauce… pour in a 9 x 12 baking dish.
Add a layer of frozen chicken nuggets. Don’t overlap, leave a little space between them.
Sprinkle over top with mozzarella and parmesan cheese.
Bake in an oven for about 25-30 minutes. I used a piece of foil over top for the first 20 minutes, then lifted it to let the cheeses melt and brown.
Serve over noodles of your choice!
It’s super easy, remarkably good and well, just sort of silly and fun. Serve with a good green salad and you got a honest to gosh Eyetalian meal right there on the homestead!