Cody Cart Version 1.5…

I got these little wheels at a garage sale this summer past and I finally got a little time to try and make a little dolly cart for Cody to pull!

I took an old pallet, which I discovered was really too small, but anyway, I got a couple long bolts and fastened them through holes I drilled in the pallet.

And then just hooked the harness traces to the little pallet cart.  We strapped two big bales of hay on with bungie cords and away we went!

It worked but it was not long enough and very unstable.  We did manage to haul two big bales back to the sheep barn, but as Maggie pointed out, it would have been faster and easier to just do ourselves.   But that’s not the point of my work.  If we can build a decent little hauling cart for Cody, then it will eventually be something that is useful, especially when we have a lot of hay or feed to haul.  Or timber or logs or rocks or sand or straw or whatever!

It’s a learning process and Cody likes to work.  Not too hard, he is a pony after all and pony are known to be sort of crabby and not that interested, but Cody likes the occasional little work out and challenge.  And it’s good for him, lets him polish up on his pony manners and all.

I wanted to use a bigger base but all the good pallets I had were open on the side too much, so I couldn’t fasten the wheels on easily.  I might need to get a couple solid two inch thick boards and make the cart from scratch.  Still thinking about the best way to do it.  Also we had some steering issues, as the cart chains slipped a bit.   I think I’ll need a couple heavy iron rings to keep the chains from slipping around.  And a little more distance between pony and cart would help!

Sigh…. back to the drawing table!

I’m keeping a look out for a pair of matched little kid bikes.  With wheels about oh, 10 to 12 inches tall.  They have to be nearly the same, same height and length at the least.  These little lawnmower wheels are a bit too small, and don’t give us a nice ride either.  I am guessing that they will go back to the project cabinet for some other hare-brained project!  But still, doesn’t Cody look so adorable with his little hay wagon???

He is just about the most precious little toot in the whole world!!!!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Cody Cart Version 1.5… — 1 Comment