It’s nothing special but it works great and the price was perfecct… $50! Off Craigslist, of course!
Maggie has been watching for a good table saw for weeks now, saving up egg money and getting close, but not close enough. Everytime we would see one, and then we wrote, it was gone! Ugh!
But yesterday, I checked and there was this lovely little beauty and with a stand too! And gently used. By a very nice fireman that works with Life Flight! We went to pick it up and managed to get a little thrift shop shopping in too, in an area that we don’t usually frequent near Toledo.
(Jessy got a sweet little Japanese tea set for her collection, Maggie got a pair of jeans and I scored a nice Pyrex covered dish and a book about Nashville’s songwriting business and a HUGE white candle for our candle pot! (We recycle candle wax! Fun stuff!)
But I will admit, this saw is awesome. We’re working on the chicken coop build out in the poultry barn and having that saw made it SO quick to cut a few 2 x 4s… We have been using a circular saw, which works but it’s just hard to be nice and accurate and all that. The table saw makes nice straight and accurate cuts so easily. And I think it’s a little safer really, for the type of stuff we are doing.
Well, the only other machine that she needs and wants right now is a table top sander. Preferably a belt and disc sander combo. The next machine on her list! We’ll be watching and saving up a little egg money for that soon!

I got a saw simular to this..but its Lowes last year. It also came with a stand. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Theres suppost to be a “safty” plastic cover that goes over the protect..”kick back”. Of coarse I DIDNT need I took it off. Let me tell is SO easy to get a kick back on this..and it grabs hold and pulls you into the blade. I have had many close calls..and lets face it..that saw not going to be a minor cut..! It is a pain in the butt to have the protector on..most people take it off..and I STILL dont have mine on..but I tell you what..I always break out into a serious sweet just thinking about using that thing! Its a serious piece of machinery..please..becareful : )
Thanks for the warning, but don’t worry! We’re safe and tough at the same time. I was brought up with uber respect for tools and safety. We are slow and careful crafters and builders. I like to use the tool first for a bit and show Maggie how it works. We talk about the safety things and what to do if it bucks or anything weird. And then I let her try it on a piece or two and we are very safe and slow about the learning process. I homeschooled both my dears and think I’m a pretty good instructor. No one has been majorly hurt at the farm, not no one. In fact, we have very few minor boo boos even. (Although a nasty roo we got at auction today scratched me on my hand kind bad… but that’s another story! haha)
But, thanks, I think it’s good to worry and be safe around stuff. But not to fear it, just be respectful.