Boozing it up…

I’m beginning to sound like a real wino or something and the funny thing is, I really don’t drink much at all!  But I just love brewing!  I’m not exactly sure why, but I just love the whole idea of doing something that most people have never considered in their wildest dreams.  And I like the whole process.  It’s rather fun.

I bottled my last batch of beer this weekend.  My Red Rooster Ale.  And the best part is that the brew store ran out of 12 ounce tall neck bottles and only had these little 6.5 ouncers… and they are SO darling!   And so perfect!  I just like a taste of beer, and a small bottle with dinner or on a nice hot afternoon, these are going to be so perfect!  I need to get another box of them for certain.

They are just so neat.  I think they would be nice for rootbeer, too!  I have a rootbeer kit that I think I’ll give a try next.

isn’t the color simply lovely?  Just a super pretty reddish amber.  Can’t wait to see how this batch tastes!

Well, and a reader wrote to me about combining my sweet wine with a splash of carbonated water from our Soda Stream and so I figured why not give it a try.  Oh my gosh!  It’s so delishious!!!  It’s like a perfect grown up soda pop!  The carbonation really works well with it, it lightens up the heaviness of the wine, and makes it a lighter sparkling treat.  I’ve had one glass the last two nights as I read a bit before bed and it’s just the nicest little relaxing toast.  It’s probably like a third a glass of wine in reality, but it’s just a nice little treat.  I could get used to this!

Well, the weather is going to be delightful for at least the next 10 days, so I’ve decided that I am going to spend as much time as humanly possible outside and enjoying it.  I have missed being out back for hours on end.  I need that sunshine and green grass growing.  I looked out this morning and for the first time I could really see that lovely green flush of the grass finally waking up and getting ready.  When I let the sheep and pony out, they rushed by me and started to nibble that tasty stuff up.  They saw it as well.  I can’t wait to let them into the back more, hopefully by this weekend!  We’re doing our best to get things finished up for them to be safe out in the back pastures!

I’m pretty sure that a nice glass of wine or a cold beer is going to feel just perfect after a hard day’s labor and super contentment of finally getting outside for hours on end.  I am so ready!  We spent at least four or five hours outside today, just working on the poultry barn and doing chores, etc.  I know it’s crazy, but I’m actually looking forward to digging out all the animal barns!   All winter long, they have been layering up more and more poop and shavings and straw, and it’s all been composting down.  It’s going to be so super good for the gardens…  just can’t wait to get those raised beds filled up and planted!!!  We should be getting hay and straw tomorrow, and I’m going to build another big raised bed and start filling it with compost.  Pretty cool…

Cheers!!!  Hope you are all experiencing some nice lovely weather, where ever you hang your hat!



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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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