Wow… can’t wait. It seems like forever waiting for this kickoff for the 2012 area bluegrass season! Haven’t picked a gig for almost 2 months because of the holidays! We are excited and ready to go. Here’s hoping we don’t flop right in the starting gate like nervous race horses at our first race! haha… Aw, we’ll have fun for sure and since we kick it off, it’s nice, we’re the first and we can only make it better for all the other bands! haha… Musician humor. When I’m picking with my guys, it’s all so easy and enjoyable… can’t wait!
And I couldn’t convince the fellas to wear ties this time! haha… oh well, we’ll look snappy anyway!
Got everything packed, got our cds and such, got the banjo restrung, checked out my outfit with the girls after six or seven wardrobe changes and the set lists and video camera batteries are charged. I think I’m ready!
Wish me luck! It’s gonna be a fantastic day with friends and fans and good music, jamming and lunch! (we always do lunch, it’s fun!) I’ll have plenty to report back on this weekend… it’s so bitter cold out that it’s no fun working out back and all. The animals are all huddled in their huts to stay warm and munch hay.
It’s so cold, we actually saw Cody VOLUNTARILY go in this pony barn to get out of the wind.
Folks, that’s cold. He hates to be cooped up in there too long. But Maggie had put in a bunch of nice fresh hay and well, it was out of the wind and the stinging rain… that is trying hard to turn to snow or ice.
I believe winter is finally here. Just in time for the Bluegrass Winterfest!!!!!

I’m so glad I came across your blog!You are such a neat lady:)Have a great weekend!Natalie
Thanks!!! Glad you dropped by and I hope you enjoy the posts!
Congratulations! You guys are SO great. I loved it. I was hoping it went well. It looks like you were a huge hit. Looking forward to hearing you all live one day.
Thanks! You’ll hear us in no time! (gg)