How beautiful are these little Shetland sheepies…
I want one of every color!!
I wish I knew where this wonderful picture came from, I would love to thank the photographer… such a lovely and healthy flock of beauties!!!

How beautiful are these little Shetland sheepies…
I want one of every color!!
I wish I knew where this wonderful picture came from, I would love to thank the photographer… such a lovely and healthy flock of beauties!!!
I love how they are all looking directly at the camera like they know it’s a group photo. Such a great shot. What do you think of drum carders & why are they so expensive? yikes
I believe I found the page with the original sheep photo.!/2011/09/agriease-mower-that-couldnt.html
nope nevermind, they just used the pic too I guess.
I am wondering if that is not a picture from the Stonehaven flock…. it might be, but i’m not sure I just love it…
I know the exact farm you mean I saw those pics and thought the same thing.
Man! a drum carder is SO expensive, I have no idea why! I guess because most people get sick of hand carding too many fleeces??? haha…
I saw this AWESOME wool picker on ebay that I just HAVE to get in the spring… it looks so cool! I must have watched the dumb video a hundred times…
I will be saving my banjer money for that one! haha…