I love when a good horse-trade works out and everyone is happy! I had the opportunity to do some work for a friend of mine, Frank, to help him with his Frank Sinatra show concert and in return I got some goodies for my Moby!!! Since he works at Lowes and can work a little magic, I got some much needed treats for the old homestead. Works for me! If I had just gotten paid in old cash, it would have probably disappeared in the phone bill or like groceries or something responsible like that….
Instead…. I got an orchard!!!
Five beautiful little apple tree babies!!! 2 red and 3 golden…. and low and behold, one of the reds actually has three little apple babies on it!!! We could hardly believe it. They might not make it to maturity, but it’s a good sign if you ask me.
And I got 15 bags of compost to start my corn field!!!!
That’s going to be some very happy sweet corn! Oh… does this mean I’m working for ah… hmmm…. oh well… there’s nothing better than doing a good job and be rewarded with 600 pounds (really!) of composted cow poop. HAHAHA….
And a dozen beautiful strawberries to help out where my other strawberries didn’t make it through the whole shipping and waiting process… (poor strawberries) Well, now the 6 or 7 that made it have friends to keep them company. Nice strong everbearing strawberries… that should make a difference in the bed now. I’m definately going to have to do some weeding however… the dirt is nice and lovely and is growing a lot of little bits and pieces of weeddom…
I wasted no time getting the berries in their bed…. we had a WONDERFUL thunderstorm and afternoon of steady strong rain and by the time it was done, everything had a good soaking and the dirt was perfect to work with. Just wonderful. Got those dozen plants in the ground and then this evening, later on it rained again good and solid… so I think they will be very very happy campers in a few days after this adventure.
Maggie and I had to spend some time trying to find the perfect spots for our fruit tree babies. Maggie really wants to see some apple trees growing. We had planted 3 in our old yard at the house and they never seemed to grow fruit! It was a drag. So she’s been waiting very patiently for our new trees and when she found three little apple babies on one, she was a happy digger…
It was easy to dig the holes… the ground was all nice and moist and all. We had the first one in the ground within minutes….
A little golden apple that will live by the sidewalk. I hope it grows tall enough that it kinda shades a little of my room and sort of blocks out the other mobys… not that I don’t appreciate the view, but it will be nice to look out my work window and see greenery and all, instead of my neighbors ugly side of their moby! (g) We all have them… the ugly side…. hahaha…..
Here’s Maggie showing off the little orchard trees and their height. They say on their little tags that their maximum height is 12-15 feet. They are dwarf and semi-dwarf trees. I think that will be perfect… I know they are a little close, but I think they will be fine. We’ll keep them trimmed back nice… they will create a beautiful little screen and add some privacy eventually. I suspect they will settle in this year and do okay, but next year they will really start to fill out much more.
Our little lone peach tree is doing wonderful this year… we got it last year and it was okay… but this spring, it really has taken off. I have it more as an ornamental tree, but you never know! I had a lone peach in Perrysburg and I’ll be durned if it didn’t set fruit! Yes… it did. And it was a very pretty little tree to boot. So now the peach has 5 little apple fruit brethern to keep it company!
And to beat all…. my lilac actually bloomed!!! YEAH! My own little lilac bush! It’s a very very light purple bloomer… very pretty. I love the purple ones, especially the deep purple, but this will look very nice in a bouquet with the purple ones, a few pale as well! Just lovely.
I am so content. How can life get much better than this?
(That’s my best Frank Sinatra imitation! hahahahaha)