And a partridge in a… hey. Chicken??? Lucky Chicken???? MAGGIE!!!!
My teenagers still love to decorate sugar cookies!!!
But, then, so do I! These are my cookies I made…
These are the teenager cookies. See the video game references???? Haha….
We made up two huge batches of our special fudge and it was sooo good. Peanut butter chocolate, chocolate, mint chip and walnut! Walnut is my favorite… and the girls don’t like it so that means I still have a wee bit left after all the gift tins went out!!! Yahoo!
Our living room is coming along nicely! Our tree looked so nice and pretty in there! Still no pictures on the walls, we’re not sure and a little scared! haha…. We scored this nice piece of carpet at Lowe’s for a measily $30. It’s the length of the room, but not as wide. But for now, it looks fantastic. I believe we will paint the floor after the holidays, and that will help even more. Ratchet approves… he spent at least a half hour rolling all over it, so happy to have something to lay on, instead of the cold wood!
Jessy and Evee are enjoying the unwrapping show…
I love the happiness on Maggie’s face. She’s been so happy and smiling so much… just so happy here in her little homestead farm….
Ratchet loves his gift from Santa. He was a very good unwrapper! Evee has to be encouraged a bit, but then she gets it. He needed NO encouragement and got right to the job at hand!
The aftermath of unwrapping frenzy!
Kitties and doggies chilling after the big breakfast we made… this is Duke and Ratchet. They are Maggie’s animals and I think it’s funny that they match in color and also like to hang out together. Do you think they are like a club or something?
Of course, not to be undone… Evee hangs out with Baron, Jessy’s kitten. They are so silly together. Everyone gets along together nicely!
Snow doggies! We got a little bit of snow on Christmas, that was nice.
Jack curled up out on the screen porch with the banty brooder… He likes to lay under the heat lamps and cook his little kitty brain. The chickens will jump up and peck at him if he lays toooo close to them. I like the fact that he keeps any possoms and coons from trying to sneak in there and grab a little chicken snack!
I just like this picture of Cody out in the falling snow.
And of course, the little sheepies out in the snow… I like this too.
Bucka Roo and his brave snow peeps! The little blue hen, Carolyn, is always his sidekick which I think is delightful, because the real Grandpa Bucka’s wife was Carolyn and they were so sweet together. The two flanking dark hens are cuckoo Marans… and we have five that all look alike, so we haven’t named them! The little barred rock in the foreground is Kathryn. The chickens love the cold and snow, they are outside everyday for long periods of time. They can stay in the warm barn but they much prefer to be out wandering about. Now, they will head in much earlier in the afternoon than they normally would. I think once it starts to get a little colder and just a touch darker, they are outta the cold and into their warm barn for the afternoon and night! It’s delightfully warm in there.
The sheepies are always ready for a mouthful of sweet feed and the hen girls are waiting their turn to snitch a bit as well. We give a mixture of sweet feed and sheep pellets in the afternoon/evening to the sheep and Cody gets a cupful as well. Just a little extra carb fuel to help them get through the cold night with a full tummy. We used to just use sweet feed but I think it was plumping them up a wee bit too much. So a mixture is good, they get livestock crack mixed with some good-for-ewes feed and that seemed to be the ticket! They are chunkie for the winter, but not fat.
I just love all the little chicken footprints out in the snow!!! Haha…. they are all over the place, nothing escapes the chicken patrol at Windhaven!!!

Everything looks so beautiful and festive..your girls making cookies…the tree with the homemade ordiments..the new rug looks great! And..I know and cars..always are gonna have something happen to them. We put everything new..everything..wire, even door knobs..cabinets..even down to the electrical plugs..the Maumee house was a total ..abanded mess..(new furnace, hot water heater)..E V E R Y T H I N G…hoping that would prevent my young daughter who live there no to have to worry about least once if not twice a week..the NEW stuff breaks just cant win..but what I like about the older homes..they are built like forts..solid..anything after 1950..was mostly 2 x 4 pine..and / or plywood.
Thanks for sharing ..Ive been waiting to see that living you..and your girls just cant stop matter your budget..there are ways to make or share on a Holiday..heck..I could write a book on free stuff we’ve had to do girls were not that they are grown they
Happy Holidays to you and your family…!