We’re back online!!!

The Hughes net Tech Team ready for service!

We’re back!!!  Yahoo!!!!   Back online!

Gosh, I missed everyone.  It’s weird…  not having this lifeline is just well, not very comforting.  I can go without a TV for months, but the internet has just become so very much a part of day to day life, it’s like my morning ritual and a resource library at my fingertips… it’s our livelyhood as well as a contact point for friends and family.  It’s just useful and entertaining, and when it’s gone for a week, you notice!

It took lovely Hughes.net 1 week, 2 techs, 2 visits and 5 hours time to simply repoint our equipment to a new satellite after they lost their use of another.  Pretty exciting.  Actually, I’m very surprised that they have not met with foul play for their crappy customer service.  I really had to behave the first time they were out, when they couldn’t get it going and said they would be back within a week.  A week?  A WEEK?

I mean, it’s not like I had gone to a corner gas station for a transmission rebuild…  I was asking to pump gas.  The reason they are there.  The MAIN reason!   I mean, wouldn’t you think FINDING a satellite to hook up a person would be pretty much the main task of a satellite internet provider?  It’s not like I wanted some complex Wi-Fi set up in the sheep shack!  Haha… shesh.  But they could not accomplish that without a whole lot of effort and drama.  Just crazy.

So I’m praying now that everything is okay.  It seems to be working and everything seems tolerably quick enough.  I sure have a lot of catching up to do!!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas…  we sure did.



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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


We’re back online!!! — 3 Comments

  1. I’m glad you’re back. I was having major withdrawls wondering what Toby and the gang got for Christmas. If it’s any consolation, DirecTv is just as bad as HughesNet seems to be.

  2. yay! I missed updates from the homestead. Glad you are back online. I’m looking forward to more pics and stories from the farm. Reading your site is a way of touching my dreams. I can’t wait to buy our own mini-farm. Wont be long now.