And mowed… and mowed…..


I have discovered who put up a little link for me on a very cool forum…. thanks Stef!!! That was so sweet of you and so funny tooo! I laughed so hard when I read all the little “mowed” and “mowed” bits in the post!!! HAHAHAHAHA…

If you want to read her post and such sweet things she said about me and all… you can click here…

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


And mowed… and mowed….. — 3 Comments

    • haha… I signed up but it wouldn’t let me post yet! I will, it looks like such a fascinating group of people… and active too! Wow!!! Can’t wait!!!


      • Well you have been talked about on several threads over there… that’s how I found you!

        It’s and AWESOME group of people and you can make some very good online and in real life friends there!!!

        I have also found quite a few people on there with spectrum kids, including myself, and I have to say I actually cry everytime you talk about Maggie being so happy. :)

        Thank you so much for being open and having an awesome blog!!! {{{{{hugs}}}}