This has been one heck of a week around the homestead… well, actually, it’s been a lot AWAY from the old home place… I have had four bluegrass gigs this week… unbelievable. Today is the last one for a week or 10 days and I will admit, I am relishing the thought of being done for a little bit. I am just not cut out to be bluegrass star material. I am very grateful for those that think we’re tolerable enough for their various programs and concerts, but 4 gigs a week is a lot! However, I will admit, I’m very excited about what the extra cash will be bringing us in the coming week… something VERY special and I will have much more to share come Monday afternoon!!!
So hold in there… we’ve been having a lot of adventures, and photos and things going on this week. I just haven’t been able to keep up with it all!
I’m looking forward to a week or two of calm and home time. We’re in the final stretch of our incubator experiment and I’m pretty sure that we have at least 5 viable babies!!! Last night late I ordered our first batch of broiler chicks… yes, 25 little fluff balls will be joining hopefully our 5 or 6 home hatched babies in the lovely brooder that Maggie made in the mudroom in a few days! It has been busy here!!!!
Well, gotta go and get ready and hit the road for the last of 4 wonderful but crazy bluegrass days entertaining the crowds and preaching about the gospel of music. We’re playing at the Grass Lake Bluegrass Fest in Michigan… come on down if you’re in the area!!!!